Chapter 3 - Cj In The Basement

In the country of Dome there is a young man walking in an underground basement that only he knows about. He had black canoed hair, black eyes and had a serpent tattoo on the side of his neck. The man had on a lab coat with bloodstains on it. Cj Coley, the student who studied under Professor Jupiter three years ago and lived to tell the tale. The Professor considered him as the best assistant he could have asked for.

Professor Jupiter is a world renowned scientist that research medicine and explosives. He is responsible for many cures and diseases this day and age. He even creates his own supply of bombs which he admittedly sold to the black market. His passion for inventing knows no bounds so governments around the world had to restrain him on multiple occasions. Professor Jupiter trained Cj for three years. He did his utmost best to turn the young man into skilled maker just as himself. The moment Cj felt like he learnt enough from his teacher he killed the Professor without mercy. Stabbed from behind is truly one of the worst way to go. Victims never get the chance to look at their killer's eyes when killed in such a fashion. The death of Professor Jupiter is still unknown. As far as the public is concern the Professor is living large on one of his private islands.

Cj headed to the underground basement where he was secretly experimenting on three people. Those people were unlucky strangers that rubbed Cj the wrong way. When he arrived Cj slowly opened the metal door for his three subjects to hear him.


The room was extremely dark so Cj flipped the switch to turn on the lights. Cj stomped towards subject number one. It was middle aged man. His eyes were opened but his pupils were gone with no hope of return. Cj slapped subject no 1 in the face and told him to wake up. The man didn't respond to Cj so he got even angrier. "Seriously number 1. I haven't even done anything to you yet" complained Cj. He walked over to subject no 2. No.2 was a teenage boy who was wide awake.

"How are you feeling?" asked Cj.

"My body is in constant pain. It's like a bunch of energy was forced into me. Too much in fact. My heart feels like it's gonna burst" the boy described. Cj wrote down what the boy said and thanked him for the help. He took out a syringe from his coat pocket and injected no 2 with it.

"Hopefully that helps. It took me eleven days to make this. How do you feel now?" asked Cj curiously.

Tears overflowed in the boys eyes. He knew Cj had no intention in letting him go. He lowered his head depressed. The syringe no.2 was injected with suddenly made the pain the boy had go away. It was shocking to see the pain he felt for days vanishing just like that. "What did you inject me with?" the boy asked. Cj showed the boy his middle finger and told him. "I'm the only one who should be asking the questions here boy. Know your boundaries" said Cj.

"The syringe I injected you with temporarily nullifies all pain. In reality your body is still suffering from my test run syringe. This one just makes you ignore it totally. It doesn't solve the problem at all so therefore it's a failure" said Cj disappointedly. The boy was confused by Cj's words. He knew he wasn't feeling any pain so how does Cj know his body is suffering?

Cj could see the puzzles look on his subject's face so he answered "I can see things differently from any other. I can see right through you like you're transparent. I see your brain, your nerves, your muscles, everything. I even see the individual particles and gases that forms your whole body. The boy got even more confused after hearing that

"Jeez kid. I have a gift let's just leave it at that" said Cj. He tossed the syringe at the wall angrily. "Third time's the charm. Oh and by the way no.2 your body is in serious trouble. You'll die by tomorrow so see ya" said Cj walking away. "Wha! No, wait please wait" the boy screamed.

Cj went to the very back of the room see subject no.3. This one is Cj's favourite. It's middle young woman the same age in a fancy dress. She looks like she's from a wealthy family but that didn't matter to Cj. She got in his basement solely because of her rotten attitude towards him at a restaurant. He walked closer to the woman and could hear her steady breathing. CJ was surprised. He expected her to be in constant pain like subject no.2. He looked intensely at subject no.3 and didn't see anything wrong with her nervous system or anything else for that matter. She doesn't even look malnourished from not eating for days. He almost couldn't believe what was right in front of him

The woman opened her eyes and told Cj to back off. "Little runt, are you finished yet. You've wasted enough of my time. How long have I been here?" asked the woman.

"Sshhh I alone ask questions here missy. You don't want me to hurt you" said Cj strongly.


"It's July 19th by the way" Cj added. The two glared at each other for almost a minute until the woman introduced herself. "I am Miya Almon. Surely you've heard of my last name already. Please let me go. I have something important to do. It's of great concern for me" said the woman.

"Almon? You're a princess. I wasn't aware King Almon had a daughter. You're pulling my leg aren't you? Who do you think I am!?" asked Cj upsettingly. The woman tried breaking free from the rope tying her to the chair but failed. She wouldn't stop fidgeting so Cj decided to inject her with paralysis liquid. It takes couple of minutes to be fully paralyzed. Cj kept his eyes on his watch for twenty minutes. He expected the woman Miya to be paralyzed by now but she was still moving.

"Get me out of here!" Miya shouted.


"HOW!? HOW!? HOW!? HOW!?" Cj shouted repeatedly. He couldn't wrap his head around Miya's body. She should be paralyzed by now and unable to speak. "Are you immune to everything woman" said Cj provoked. Miya nodded yes in reply. "Exactly right dipshit. I have a gift of immunity. So illness can harm me no matter how dangerous it is. Status effects are also useless" said Miya.

Cj believed her immediately. That answered the question he had perfectly. "So you are like me then. I also have a gift. I can see things in more detail than others. For example if I look at a cake I can clearly see the ingredients inside the cake you get me" said Cj impressed.

Miya looked at Cj with doubt. "I find that hard to believe" said Miya. She made a proposal to Cj. "I have somewhere important to go in the next four days. You need to understand. I am the princess of Dome. Trust me, I am kept secret from the public because of my powers. I can do much more than be immune to things" Miya stated.

"Yeah, yeah and I'm Santa Claus. You have to believe me" said Cj.

"Ok I see your point" said Miya.

"Even if you were the queen that wouldn't matter to me at all sorry" said Cj. Miya didn't want to reveal her secret but Cj left her no choice. Miya gave Cj proof that she's the princess. In her pocket was a photo of her as a baby in the king's arms. He was dying to know why the king kept her a secret for so long but he held on to it.

"You're a scientist right. You and I can have the same interest. What if I told you there's a potion that can heal anything and everything. It even regenerate cells and organs such as lungs" said Miya. Her words peaked Cj's interest. He's heard of something like that before.

"I remembered my teacher Professor Jupiter saying something like that last year. The Dragon's drool or whatever can heal anything and that he's a part of a golden circle who is aware of the Dragon's location. He said a lot of things but I didn't believe any of it. I don't believe that the world leaders would hold a competition to see who gets the drool. They are all going to hire people to participate for them because it's going to be a bloodbath. Now it's strange that I'm hearing about this potion again. Guess that means he was telling the truth. Thought he was going senile. If anything is too good to be true then it's most likely not real. I'm going to take your word for it" said Cj.

Miya was shocked by the amount of knowledge he possessed about a top secret like the last existing Dragon. "Professor Jupiter is a part of our golden circle. Not sure where he is now" said Miya. "Sorry I killed him" replied Cj. "Damn you're cold. There's a reason why I brought it up. Two reasons actually. There's a Dragon Hunt competition coming up and I want to hire someone to participate. You have a gift so I'm thinking about choosing you. My second reason is because I know you're hiding your main power from me and I want to see it" said Miya.

"Why would you hire me? If I win the competition I would want the potion. I wouldn't hand it to you" said Cj bluntly. "That's okay, we both would take half the potion since that's enough to heal a person fully" said Miya. Cj seriously started to consider his subject's proposal. It must be fate that led this woman in Cj's basement. Cj remembered the professor telling him about needing permission from a member of the Golden Circle. Cj untied Miya from her chair and said "if you're lying then you're dead. If I use my powers on the healing liquid then I could make it myself from scratch. I'd be able to mass produce it and make millions" said Cj softly. Miya slapped Cj in the face and ordered him to get some food.

"Leaving me here underground in this dark place for eleven days without any food. I don't need food to survive but it still hurts" Miya said angrily.

That's how the duo of Cj the Young Scientist and Miya the Princess began. Cj packed his things and they both headed to the island Apsychos. "If I knew Professor Jupiter was telling the truth I probably wouldn't have stabbed him. I'll win this Dragon Hunt thingy to ease my mind" said Cj.

"Just don't stab me in the back" said Miya. To think that Cj was in the middle of making a syringe but now he's about to participate in the Dragon's Hunt confident that he's going to win.