Chapter 22 - Preparation

The hope Fei latched onto might crumble sooner than he thought. There is no guarantee that Sue will live long enough for Fei to win the Dragon Hunt. Harriet was too busy watching Sue to even care about the second round. Sue's body has gotten exponentially weaker. She has been sleeping fifteen hours each day ever since the first round ended. Harriot became frustrated and called for a doctor to examine her.

"Doctor how long does she have?" asked Harriot.

"This is nothing short of a miracle. This poor girl won't last a week. I checked her heartbeat for five minutes and it stopped three times. Somehow after a while, it starts beating again. I don't understand what's happening to her but it is clear that her heart is going to fail on her soon. I'll say it again. It is a miracle how she survived so long like this. I wish there was something I could do. If she wakes up make sure that she doesn't exert herself in any way. Don't frighten her with anything big either. I am so sorry" said the doctor. The doctor's words made Harriot dizzy for a moment. "I promised Trish that Fei and Sue will live long and happy lives. I failed in every possible way" thought Harriot. Sue has not experienced the joyful life Harriot promised. For most of her life, her parents weren't there. Thanks to her illness she could not socialize and make many friends.

"I need to cool off. What's Fei up to right now?" Harriot wondered. There is a chance that after the Dragon Hunt Harriot will lose both his children. "I could have saved Sue you know. Hmmm, I hope Aoi is living her life to the fullest" he sighed. Harriot sat beside his daughter and waited patiently for her to open her eyes.

Meanwhile, on Apsychos Island, the two teams were preparing themselves for the upcoming Capture The Flag. Fei encouraged his teammates to introduce themselves. He started the introduction first. "Fei Fong is my name ya know. I'm seventeen this year so you can look at me like I'm an adult. My hobby is running and punching" said Fei. He pointed at the girl who had on an eye patch, Alisa. "Hi, I'm Alisa Matar. I don't have any hobbies. I am clearly the youngest one here. I'm 16 years olds, I'll try my best to keep up" said Alisa politely. Fei then pointed at the orange-haired woman who has a tom on her head. "Lethal Sniper, what's your real name?" Fei asked curiously. The woman lowered her head embarrassed by the question.

"It's Lethal Sniper Lady. It's my real name. No joke. My hobbies are sniping and eating sweets." the woman replied.

"Wooow! That's awesome. The name does make a person" Fei said impressed. Lethal lady ran up to Fei and hugged him tightly. She was pleased to hear someone respecting her name instead of laughing at it. "You are adorable. Let's be friends ok" said Lethal lady. Fei hugged back and replied "Definitely, you're a beautiful lady with a unique name. How old are you?"

"24, I'm way older" the woman replied. A guy with two iron gloves, a grey headband over his forehead, and grey shorts stepped between Fei and Lethal Sniper. He pulled his short beard as he said "You two are going to take the whole day jeez. You're the same boy that did an outburst the night before the first round. I didn't expect for you to pass the first round. Congrats".

"Thanks, who are you?" asked Fei.

"Terry Oda and I'm 36 years old. Kids who love to befriend everyone are always in for a rude awakening. Please don't forget" said Terry. Fei nodded then looked Cj's way. He started at Cj remembering what Aoi said to him before arriving on the island. "Don't confront him about Professor Jupiter. Just be yourself around him. Once the second round is over I'll talk to him myself. I need BEA back and I can do it on my own" Aoi said. CJ noticed that Fei was staring at him. "What is it? You already know my name, don't you? It's Cj Coley. I'm 19 years old".

Fei nodded and gave him a thumbs up. The last two to introduce themselves were a bulky-looking man wearing a white suit and a small guy with tattoos all over his skin. The strong and bulky-looking man clapped his hands together. "We're teaming up temporarily. Once this round is over we will be enemies. My name is Joey Sangsters. Pleasure is mine" said the man.

"Relax, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Let's go with the flow" said Fei casually. The last person to introduce themselves was the participant King Almon hired. He was the first to pass the first round and in record time. He is 5.5 feet tall with no facial hair. A lion tattoo on his right shoulder symbolizes the courage of a certain Gang. Lethal Sniper pointed at the man's tattoo. "There's no need for Isaac to introduce himself. You all must know of the Wild Drug Gang. It's responsible for exposing dangerous chemicals to people. Their primary targets are the youngsters. Ruining their futures so that they don't have to climb the ranks. The gang is responsible for many drug addicts" said Lethal Sniper.

"My gang is massive. Around 350,000 members worldwide" said Isaac softly.

"Hmm, I don't agree with what you're doing but it's nice to meet you all the same. Let's work together until we capture their flag" replied Fei. Joey slapped Cj on his back. "This youngster is our leader. Are you up for the task?" Joey asked strongly.

CJ stepped back and took his phone out of his pocket. "Hmm, not bad. The other team has already changed into their game clothes. I don't see why we shouldn't do the same" said Cj. His teammates looked at him confused. How does Cj know what the other team is doing? Their location is still unknown. Everyone asked him how he knows something like that but Cj neglected to answer. Fei then asked a different question. "Last night you said we'd be teammates. Tell me how you knew"

"When the first round ended King Almon said something about Odd vs Even. I just put the pieces together is all" said Cj. A drone surprised everyone in the room and stated "Change into your clothes. Memorize and understand the advantages and disadvantages of your role. Good luck". The males went outside and changed their clothes while Alisa and Lethal Sniper stayed inside to change theirs. When they were all finished everyone had on the same clothes except for the sweaters. CJ wore black, Fei wore green, Alisa and Lethal Lady wore an orange sweater while Joey wore blue. Isaac and Terry wore red sweaters as the fighters for the team. "I feel good about this y'all. The only downside is that I can't do offense. We would have gotten the flag so easy if I could" laughed Fei.

CJ thanked Fei for loosening up the tension between everyone in the room. "Alright, I have a simple way to capture the flag but I'm afraid I can't reveal it yet" sighed Fei.

"Why?" Joey asked.

"The opposing team has a member with an annoying gift. I bet Uranus is the leader" said Cj.

"He can communicate with living organisms telepathically and most of all he can link someone's senses with his," said Cj. "I don't understand what you mean. Link senses?" said Isaac confused. "Whatever you see, he is also able to see. As long as you're in his range he can link your sight with his own. You'll both see the exact same thing but that's not even the worst part of his gift. He can link hearing as well so what do you think he will do with that gift of his?" asked Cj.

"He's going to eavesdrop on our conversation and movements. What's his range?" asked Isaac. "It covers most of the island. Approximately 80% " replied Cj.

"He's the best communication network ever. It's a good thing most of us have our trump cards a secret because if he knew them we'd be screwed" said Cj.

"What do you know about us Cj? You talk like you know my secret trick" Lethal said suspiciously.

"Since we now know his gift. What can we do about it before tomorrow comes?" asked Joey? "We have some advantages too. Come on man" giggled Fei. Fei picked up Cj's backpack and opened it. To everyone's surprise, there were wireless transmitters, medicines, and binoculars inside his backpack. "I am not a hundred percent sure how but Cj knew this stuff in advance so I'm sure he has something in mind as a counter" smiled Fei. "I even have a breathing sensor somewhere on me. I can detect someone's location by their breathing alone" he added impressed.


"Uranus might have overheard you just now. Keep your sensor a secret damn it. Even from us. Too late anyhow" sighed Joey.

"Even with Uranus, we are going to win. Them knowing what moves we make won't save them from the fat L they are going to receive" said Fei. Alisa raised her hand nervously and said "In this book, it says that Supporters are never to initiate attack first but if a fighter is there and he or she attacks first the supporter can follow up with an attack. A supporter has to be with someone at all times then otherwise we'll be vulnerable"

"Where are you going with this?" asked Terry.

"We have to be careful with the matchups. A Roamer must not harm unless he harms you first. A Roamer and A Supporter can't fight each other it's highly unlikely. A Leader can only fight unless the enemy made it into the home base and the same holds true for the defender. The first team to lose their two fighters are doom. Supporters are forbidden to initiate the first attack at all costs. That rule could result in an easy death of a supporter" Alisa said while shaking.

"Stop the worrying. Tomorrow we're going to win Capture The Flag. Easy Peasy" Fei cheered.

"Read what happens when they manage to get our flag but fail to bring it to their home base," said Joey curiously. Alisa flipped multiple pages before starting to read. "If a team manages to take the flag out of the enemy's home base but fails to carry it to their own then The Roamer must retrieve it in the span of an hour. If an hour passes and the flag hasn't been retrieved then your ten is disqualified"

"But what if our Roamer got knocked out or killed," said Fei worriedly.

"Then they can't retrieve the flag. Which means we automatically lose" replied Joey.

"Disobey the leader and you're disqualified. If a Fighter fights in their home base they are disqualified. A supporter initiating the first strike is grounds for disqualification as well. If you harm a Roamer in any way before they harm your disqualification. Defenders leaving their flag unprotected for over five minutes will make the team be disqualified. The Leader must communicate with his teammates. If there's a lack of communication you are disqualified" Alisa read out loud.

Lethal Lady grabbed the book from Alisa and told her to shut up. "Thanks for getting on everyone's nerves," she said. CJ nodded in disagreement and said," She's doing the right thing. Reminding us of the rules each role has is helpful. It's not like she's discussing a plan. If she was I would've stopped her".

"Uranus is the leader of Team Even. We can't take him out as quick as we would have wanted. Whatever happens tomorrow just follow your gut" said Cj.

Meanwhile over on the opposite side of the island, there was a second hill. It was surrounded by three lakes and higher than any tree on the island. Some Apsychos trees are of the height of 30-40 meters. There is a small building made of wood on top of the building with a white flag next to it. Inside the building was Team Even.

Uranus - leader

Oden Ali - attackers

Xavier Xerxes - roamer

May Katrina - supporter

Max Maxim - supporter

Helius - defender

Victor Cruz - attackers

Team Even was in the middle of a meeting with Uranus leading the discussions. "Team Odd's offense is greater than ours. Luckily for us, I know what most of their abilities are. We should prepare for them" stated Uranus. The bald monk Oden asked "Lay it on me then. I know Cj has supervision. What about the others?"

Uranus looked at Oden don't fully and revealed something shocking. "Cj has multiple gifts. Amazing vision, deconstruct anything by touch and lastly extraction by touch. He hasn't used his extraction skill yet but I know he has it. From what I see he's the leader for Team Odd so we don't have to worry about Cj in the early part" said Uranus.

"What!? That's broken!" shouted Oden.

"Joey Sangsters controls sound. He has attacks that move at the speed of sound. Lethal Sniper is useless in close combat. She uses a sniper rifle to kill people. She's one of the few I'm going to keep my eyes on the most. The other big threat is Isaac. I have no clue what his gift is so he's a surprise" Uranussighed.

May nodded her head side to side vigorously. "Excuse me! Uranus what are the extent of your abilities? Does it have limitations? I can't simply put all my faith in your gift" she said strongly. The other members agreed with a nod as well. "Jeez, l have a very far range when using my gift. I can't link my senses to multiple people simultaneously but I can communicate with ten people at the same time. No more than that. There is a big weakness in my gift but you don't have to worry about that"

"What's the weakness?"

"I'm not telling. After this round we'll be enemies again" said Uranus. After telling his teammates about Team Odd's gifts he proceeded to activate his own. He sat on a corner by himself then plugged his ears blocking off all sound around him. He then closed his eyes and started taking deep breaths.

"Cj or Isaac? Mhmm, I'll pick Isaac" He thought to go himself. Uranus's gift work as some sort of possession ritual. Any sense that he casts off he can link or share them with others. Closing his caused a small sparkly light to appear that only Uranus can sense. That sparkly light will travel at light speed to hit a living organism. Once the sparkly light goes into a living creature Uranus can see what that other person sees as long as his eyes are closed. The same goes for his hearing, if he plugs up his ears then he will be able to share hearing as well.

Uranus's tiny light that only he can sense just entered Isaac's body. Isaac doesn't feel or see anything strange. For all, he knows he's doing just fine. Isaac and Fei were in the middle of a private conversation.

"Tomorrow I expect you to defend the flag with your life. I don't care how young you are. You fail me then you're dead" Isaac threatened.

"Cool, it's a good thing that I won't fail. This is a good talk. Motivating each other to do their best is good so listen to this. If you fail the team I'll bust your skull open" Fei said with a relaxing smile. Fei didn't have a thread of fear. For as long as Isaac remembered he's never been smiled at. He could sense the malice behind Fei's expression. "This teenage boy smiled at my threat. I want him!" Isaac suddenly thought.

"Want to join my gang? Having a guy like you onboard would be a blast. I'd even promote you to an Admin the second you come of age" Isaac offered.

"No thanks, do you have a fighting department in your big gang. I can't be beaten when it comes to fistfights" Fei bragged.

Uranus canceled his gift before hearing Isaac's reply. Hearing that small conversation gave Uranus the impression that Team Odd is not holding a meeting at the moment. "How low can you be? Recruiting a kid with a future into a drug gang. Despicable" Uranus frowned.