Alpha Ace


Her voice is pure and sweet but I don't dare come near to the bed. Instead, I sit in a wooden chair at the corner of the room watching Zia the nurse, and that lady arguing.

"Ma'am, you need to calm down!" Zia says. "Why would I? who chained me to the bed? Don't you know that they don't treat princess like that?" The lady says, moving her legs and arms forcefully.

"Well thanks for your service, Zia, may you please excuse me?" I say standing up from my seat. She bows down and leaves closing the door shut behind her. I then proceed to come forward as the lady on the bed is now in a sitting position. She eyes me from up to down as if she is seeing me or someone like me for the first time. she is so beautiful to be true; her grey eyes & long curly hair, her perfectly curved body, her beautiful skin tone, who is she?

"Do you normally stare at girls you just kidnaped?" she says. "Now tell me who are you and I want you to free me." She adds.

"I can tell you who am I but I won't be able to free you," I say crossing my arms.

"Why?" she asks. "Because you'll have to explain to the alpha why were you trespassing and messing up with the mermaids in the river. Which pack are you from?" I question.

"I'm not a fucking wolf and besides, mermaids don't exist, sirens do!" she hisses. "Well, we don't have an evil singing creature in the water over here," I smirk. "Where I come from, we do have sirens and they're not evil." She replies. "Enough of water creature, now tell me from which pack you're from?" I question again.

"I'm princess Lenora from the Tombstone Kingdom. Now, you'll kindly unchain me and I might spare your life boy!" she exclaims which got me laughing. "What are you then?" "I'm a vampire!" she replies which has me kneeling in laughter. "What's so funny?" she asks. "Vampires don't exist, they're just myths," I say standing up. "Unchain me, it's not a question but an order!" She says, getting upset. "I'm not!" I say, leaning against the wall. I look at her as she tries to free herself.


This jackass is just standing there thinking that I'm a deranged girl trying to create stupid lies to get away from punishments. I don't mean to get angry but this jerk pisses the hell out of me. I looked at him and let my power take control. I feel all my strengths awaken again breaking the chains with just a few moves. He looks shocked as he takes a few steps back. I stand up from the bed and kindly follow him. He looks scared by the fact that I just break chains effortlessly.

"When I asked you to free me, it wasn't a question but an order. Poor boy, you need to learn it the hard way so that the next time, you won't mess up with a princess." I say rushing at him and lifting him with his neck. I look at him he struggling to breathe and I let go of him. he falls to the floor holding his neck in pain and I take this chance to run away. I reach for the door, open it and run. I run past that stupid Zia and she grabs me. "Let go of me bitch, or else you'll end up with no teeth," I say trying to yank my arm but her grip is too strong.

"Now!" I hear that guy screaming and then Zia injects me forcing me to blackout.


"So, you're telling me that there's a girl outside there pretending to be a vampire princess and she manages to strangle you?" I say, taking a sip of my coffee in my office. Jaxon looks scared and drunk and probably invited some dumb story.

"Listen, I'm not going insane! Come with me and you'll see for yourself." He says through pants. "Okay but if it's one of your lies again, you'll be locked up with only milk for dinner," I say, standing up to follow him. I've been carried away by the number of problems I have, I need to find my mate. The quicker, the better! Jaxon leads me to my living room. He opens the door and I follow right behind. I was expecting it to just be a story Jaxon created but I am wrong. A young lady is laying on the cold floor with less than nothing to cover her body. Her body is covered up with shells just like mermaids. Her hair is extremely long like eight to ten inches. I drop the coffee mug and watch in awe. "Where did you find her?" I ask. "Please don't punish me!" he says shivering. "I won't, now where did you find her?" I ask again looking at the girl.

"In the river, the mermaids gave her to me and asked me to return her when she's ready for her destiny as a queen." He says. That's when I notice a blue emerald crown laying next to her.

"Get out and close the door!" I order. "Yes, my Alpha!" he bows and leaves. I quickly remove my coat and carefully make my way to the lady. I kneel next to her and cover her body. I proceed to take her crown but she grabs me and rapidly pins me to the ground. "How the hell is she so fast?" I ask myself. Her eyes are so grey and she has a very unusual beauty. "Hey! Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you!" I say not flinching a bit. "Why would I trust you? Your friend chained me to a fucking bed." She replies.

"Pardon me for my Beta's attitude, he is high!" I say. "Wait, are you the Alpha?" she asks, her tone raising a bit. "Yes, I am the Alpha of the Dark-Moon pack and soon to be king, I guess." She moves from on top of me bowing her head down. "What for?" I ask, puzzled. "Greetings to you, your majesty! I'm princess Lenora, Lenora Nelson." She says. I am shocked by her sudden change of behavior. Whoever this lady is, her parents must have educated her well. I notice her head still down and motion for her to stop. She is a little shy and we sit in an awkward silence before I offer her to stay and get some food to eat. She nods in agreement and I call a maid to help her with food, clothes, feminine products. She stands up and follows the maid. Turning back, she says, "thanks, my alpha!"