Save Her

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Hearing the commotion, the other two men turned around to see Jayce standing next to their friend. The one standing next to the kid was quite tall and well-built with a buzzcut.

One of the men standing over the girl was overweight with his hair gelled back, the man standing next to him was skinny and had his hair parted to the sides.

Jayce ignored the sturdy man and looked over to where the small girl was, she was covered in dirt and was wearing torn rags.

She had cuts and bruises all along her body, it was a miracle that she was even still alive.

He had been trying to hold his anger back since he knew it would just cloud his judgment but the more he looked at the situation the worse his anger got.

"Scram kid, nothing to see here." The man said as he tried to shove him.

Instead of falling over as the man had imagined, Jayce didn't budge.

"Come on Jerry, can't you even deal with a brat." The fat man said as the two of them started laughing at him.

Feeling embarrassed by his comrades laughing at him, he swung his hand to slap Jayce. The hand was an inch away from making contact with Jayce's face as he heard him say a few words.

"Fuck it."

That was the last thing the man heard before a hand wrapped his head and shoved his face into the pavement, cracking the back of his skull.

Before he could react, Jayce lifted his foot and stomped on his head. He did it repeatedly, completely ignoring the cries from underneath his foot.

[100 Exp!]

He only stopped once the man's head was splattered all over the alleyway. The other two stood there in shock, only when Jayce turned to look at them did they snap back to reality.

Out of fear or maybe anger, the skinny man pulled out a butterfly knife from his pocket and charged his friend's murderer.


Jayce easily sidestepped the attack and grabbed onto the man's arm. Pulling back his leg, he delivered a roundhouse kick to the man's chest.

The kick had winded and broken a few ribs but he didn't move due to Jayce's grip.

He let go of his arm and grabbed the knife out of his hand but not before delivering another kick to his head, sending him flying against a stone wall.

As soon as he recovered, he looked up to see a knife flying toward his head. He had no time to react as the knife pierced through his skull and into his brain, killing him.

[100 Exp!]

Jayce made his way over to the fat man who was trying to run away while his attention was on his friend.

Unfortunately for him, Jayce had been paying attention to all of them since the start to make sure not a single one would escape.

The overweight man only took a few steps before Jayce appeared in front of him and threw a punch in his face.

His head swung back from the force of the punch, but before he could fall over Jayce grabbed him by the throat.

"P-p-please don't kill me, I don't want to die." The fat man begged as blood flowed down from his head.

"I bet you heard that as you relentlessly beat that little girl," Jayce said as his grip around the man's neck got tighter.

"Are you talking about it? They don't count as people, they're just parasites that leach off of us humans.

They should be grateful that they were able to entertain us before their miserable deaths." The fat man said with a smirk on his face.

Jayce stood there silently as his anger peaked. He finally understood that the things he was killing weren't human, but monsters in disguise.

"Yeah you're right, I'll use your miserable life for my benefit. That seems the best course of action, right, parasite." Jayce said with a smile and a crazy look in his eyes.

The smirk on the fat man's face swiftly disappeared as fast as it had appeared. Talking to the system, Jayce activated life absorption.

[Request Acknowledge]

[Target Fear 89%]

[Activating Life Absorption]

"Wait I'm sorry just don't kill m-" Before he could finish his sentence, Jayce's demon core started to spread from his hand into the man's neck.

Just like what happened to Isaac, the roots spread through his body and once they reached every inch they started to absorb his life force since he didn't have a mana core.

After a few minutes of the man spasming around, the roots returned to Jayce's body.

[The skill {Life Absorption} is finished.]

[No stats absorbed]

[No HP restored]

[No Mana restored]

[100 Exp!]

[Additonal Experience will be granted for absorbing the target]

[86 Exp!]

Jayce ignored the notifications as he threw the body into his inventory and walked over to the little girl.

He had planned to put the other corpses in his inventory but wanted to check on the girl first. Using his eye, he inspected to see her condition.

[Name: Ashley Alpin]

[Race: Nekomi]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 6]



[HP: 9/90]

[Mana: 0/0]

[Stamina: 2/100]

[Vitality: 4]

[Endurance: 5]

[Strength: 3]

[Dexterity: 6]

[Agility: 8]

[Intelligence: 5]


As Jayce looked at her HP a notification appeared under it.

[Target is currently suffering from a brain hemorrhage, two fractured ribs, and other minor wounds.]

[The target will lose 3% HP every 30 seconds.]

[The System strongly recommends the target seek medical help immediately.]

'Dammit, I wasted too much time!' Jayce said internally as he picked up the girl and started sprinting back towards the Academy.

He hadn't been in town that long so he didn't know where the hospital would be, and even if he did, he doubted they would be able to save her in time.

While he did have health potions he got from Isaac, they didn't heal lethal wounds.

It might buy him some time for her or it might not do anything at all with how badly injured she was. If that were the case, he would rather not risk it unless he had no other choice.

'I'm about a forty-minute walk away from the Academy, if I run back I can make it back in under ten but that's not fast enough.' Jayce thought as he came to a conclusion.

'System, increase Synchro.'

[Request Acknowledge]

[Increasing Demonic Synchronization]

[Demonic Synchronization: 0.00%...2.00%]

[Max Demonic Synchronization has been reached]

The risk of being caught was great but he was willing to take that risk. Channeling all of the demonic energy into his legs, his legs slightly transformed as his speed increased by threefolds.

Using his powered-up legs, Jayce leaped onto the rooftops to save more time. People in the streets felt uneasy as he ran from rooftop to rooftop.

He kept checking on the girl's status as he got closer to the Academy, ready to use a health potion in case he couldn't.

Seeing the gate entrance, Jayce jumped down from the rooftop, deactivating his Synchro as he landed a little bit away from the gate.

The guards became alert as they saw him sprinting towards the gate.

"Don't come any further!" They declared as they raised their spear to stop him.

Jayce had no intention of stopping as he slid underneath their weapons and into The Academy.

Kicking himself off the ground, he continued making his way toward the medical office.

A few students could be seen wandering around the campus due to the students having a few days off.

They watched as Jayce ran through the campus while being chased by a couple of guards, some of them had to move out of the away in fear of being run over.

Jayce entered the school building and headed up the stairs to make it to the third floor. Once he arrived at the third story, he turned right and looked at the doors.

Seeing the Medical Room labeled on one of the doors, Jayce kicked it open to see Ms. Moorse doing paperwork at her desk.

"Save her!"