
'Why the hell does a werewolf have a gun?' Jayce said to himself as he held his bleeding shoulder.

Now that he had time to think about it, it was strange. Not only did he have a gun, but he also attacked Jayce with a knife.

Why didn't he transform and try to overpower Jayce physically?

In addition to not transforming, he didn't show any signs of unnatural speed or strength, and he even tried to avoid fighting Jayce in close quarters which is unusual for a werewolf who is supposed to be aggressive.

A thought crossed his mind that maybe who he was fighting wasn't a werewolf but a human being.

The only way for him to confirm it would be for him to inspect the teenager; however when he peeked his head out, a bullet whizzed right past his head, making him hide back behind cover.

"This is a first. I've never had a werewolf hide from me before." The boy said.