
[Nightmare's need for blood has been quenched]

Pressing his foot against the mage's chest, he yanked his sword out of the mage's skull, letting the body drop to the ground.

'Better go before Ward gets here.' Jayce thought as he sheathed his swords and ran away from the hidden facility at full speed.


Finally reaching the surface, Ward calmly looked around, hoping to find both mages. Yet, he had only spotted the corpse lying out in the open.

Ward could see footprints leading back to the city but decided against following them.

He didn't know how much of a head start Jayce had and he was sure the kid was faster than he was. It would be better for him to track him in the morning when he's not aware of it.

He could use Jayce's phone number Aiden or use surveillance footage to figure out his location.

The only problem was if Jayce were to go into a realm.