
Jayce walked off the damaged arena and began heading toward the tunnel, ignoring the glare burning into his back. While most people would break out into a cold sweat or freeze, he was entirely unaffected.

Having felt the bloodlust of Ward, the named strongest human, it was hard for others to use their pressure to restrain him.

Of course, Ju was restraining herself because Ying was right next to her so she couldn't use her mana to put Jayce in his place. Yet, even if Ying weren't there, she still probably wouldn't do it for fear of ruining her reputation and provoking the Academy.

So all she could do was stare angrily as a medical team picked up Ying while Jayce entered the tunnel.

'She used wind magic, huh,' He thought as he recalled the colorless barrier that formed between him and Ying at the last second.