Chapter One

"Woah! Woah! What now?!"

The curly brown haired girl ignored the question that was directed at her, and immediately threw her body on the long sofa that was facing the television. She close her eyes tightly, before finally shouting loudly. "AAARGGHH!"

The man, who is the owner of the apartment immediately threw the hand towel he had just used on the face of the uninvited guest. "Shut your mouth, you idiot! Why are you so fire up?"

Alexandra Sullivan, better known as Alex, a twenty-seven years old woman who was called an 'idiot' immediately sat down and looked sharply at the man who threw the hand towel on her face. "You should shut up, you bastard!"

"In case you, shameless idiot forgets, this is my apartment. I own this place. So if I were you, I will behave like a good guest."

"Yaaaaaah! ADRIAN! Can you just..." Alex snapped.

That made Adrian, the twenty-nine years old man, relented to his best friend and sat next to her. "Okay, what's wrong?"

"I want hot chocolate milk," Alex said while looking at Adrian with a pitiful look.

Adrian snorted. He just couldn't understand how the woman changes from range to range. He tried, but he couldn't figured it out.

"You came all of a sudden to my apartment, just exactly when I wanted to rest, to vent out your frustrations and then after you will asked for a hot chocolate?" Adrian asked in disbelief. He was even sure that the clock in his apartment was fine, and that meant that it was already one o'clock in the morning. "Didn't you find a 24-hour cafe along the way?"

"If you don't want to make it for me, that's fine. I will just go home now alone and with a hazy mind and-"

"Okay. Fine. I'll make you a hot chocolate. No need to guilt trip me like that," said the man who immediately stood up and walked to the kitchen. He might look like he's a cold-hearted person but he was worried about his best friend's condition. The woman's eyes were puffy, and her nose was red. It was obvious that she had just been crying for so long.

Five minutes later, Adrian sat beside Alex with a big cup of hot chocolate milk that the woman requested. He handed it to her and was greeted with joy. The girl took a sip slowly, and her body began to look relaxed.

"So what's the matter? What made you come to my apartment in the middle of the wee hours like this? Not to mention, you are alone and only covered with thin layer of clothes."

Alex didn't responded. She just let her tears fall again. Until finally, she was in her best friend's arms and the cry that she had been holding in the elevator, shot out again like a water on a dam do once the gate is widely open. She sobbed loudly, and Adrian rubbed her back gently. Trying to give peace to Alex, the girl he had known almost all his life.

Once she managed to calm herself down, she started to open up.

"That bastard, that freaking jerk screwed Sarah in his apartment," Alex said in a furious voice. "I should have realized that their relationship is not just an Artist and Assistant."

Adrian didn't stop rubbing the woman's back even though the girl wasn't crying anymore.

"That bastard even kissed my forehead this morning, and tonight I caught him sleeping with that bitch assistant of him!" Alex said fiery.

Adrian pushed the woman's body so he could see the whole face of his best friend.

"He kissed your forehead?"

Alex rubbed her forehead in despair. "What do you think I should wash my forehead with?"

"Where did he kiss you?"

The woman pointed the center of her forehead.

Adrian then immediately leaned forward and kissed his best friend's forehead, right in the area pointed by the woman.

That earned a glare from Alex. She immediately pushed the man's head so hard that Adrian crashed into the back of the sofa.

"Yaaaaah! You, sly! Do you really want to die?"

The man smirked. "I was just trying to help you to get that bastard's trace off your forehead. You should actually thanking me!"

Alex rolled her eyes. "Why should I thank you? You are just taking advantage of the situation."

"Where else did he touch you?" Adrian asked, obviously dismissing the woman's remark.

Alex let out a frustrated sigh before she threw a death glare on her best friend once again. "What kind of woman do you think I am, huh?!" she shouted, an octave higher than before.

And a second later, her tears fell again.

"Oh my God," Adrian hissed. "You said you didn't like that guy that much, then why are you crying now, huh?!" he rubbed his chin, then looked at the woman with a scornful look. "Aren't you always crying over the guy you've decided to be with? Even though you're always saying that you don't love them."

Alex wiped her tears harshly. "I really don't love that jerk! I just don't like how he had the guts to cheat on me. Like, what's wrong with me? Is he blind? I'm much prettier than his assistant," she said. "Ah right. I haven't cut things off on that stupid jerk. That means we're still a couple, right?"

"Are you really crazy?! After he screwed his assistant, you still want to be with him?"

"Who said that I still want that bastard?! It's just that I forget to break up with him." Alex raked her fingers on her hair. "How do you think I can say that when my mind is filled with curses and bad thoughts because of his amazing behavior?!"

Adrian shook his head in disbelief. The girl in front of him was truly amazing. Even though he didn't say it loudly, he was amazed at the woman's attitude. His best friend, even though she was often hurt by boys she dated, whether she got betrayed, or too restrained, Alex always cried when her relationship ended. But after that, she will move on like nothing happened. There would be no more tears in her eyes.

"The past is past. You still remember what I said, right?" Alex smiled widely. "Once it's over, I'll never look back again. As in ever."

"You've been dating him for over six months. Are you sure you can forget him?" he asked because the woman has a dating history of being in a relationship for only five months or less.

"I told you, didn't I? I never loved him. I was just comfortable in our relationship. He confessed his love to me, and I accepted it. But he cheated on me, so I will break up with him and will never look back on what we had. He's not worth that much for me to keep."

Adrian snorted hearing his best friend's mindset about relationship. "You will definitely be chased by the reporters."

And as if she got strike by a lightning, she groaned. "Gosh! How did I even forget that?!" She stared desperately at her cellphone screen showing her twitter profile.


Betrayal is unforgivable

10 minutes ago

It didn't take long for the number of mentions that entered her twitter account go crazy.

"Next time think before you click," the man muttered as he stretched his body. "I've forbidden you to date artists, right?! But you still went ahead, so just enjoy the consequences!"

Alex hit Adrian's body with the sofa cushion with all her might. "You impudent! What kind of best friend are you?!"

"That best friend who will sacrifice his sleep just to cater his best friend and will make a hot chocolate even though he is exhausted."

"Yeah, you're great! Damn it!"


Alex opened her eyes slightly, she frown when she saw the bright light from the window. Indicates that the wee hours has turned into morning. Reluctantly, she closed her eyes again, and tightened her embrace on the figure beside her. Assuming that figure is her favorite bolster back at her room.

"Alex, do you want me to kill you in this bed?" Adrian hissed. Feeling uncomfortable because he was suddenly become unable to move because the woman really hugged him all out.

"What?! You perverted brain!" Alex hit Adrian's chest so hard that the man coughed and laughed.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to take a shower."

Alex let go of her arms, then switched to a bolster, and went back to sleep. She has no schedule of work this morning, this afternoon, however, she has to teach. So she can sleep all day in the man's apartment without any disturbance.

She was just about to enter dreamland again when her shoulder was pushed several times, making her moan loudly. Why is Adrian so happy to disturb her sleep?

Ignoring the man, she tightened her grip on the bolster. And a second later, she felt something moist touches her lips, before she felt that her lips were sucked. That's when she open her eyes again and immediately threw a glare on the man.

While glaring, she hit her best friend's head with all her might until the man screamed in pain. "You want to die by my hands that much, huh?!"

Adrian rubbed his lips, then smiled lopsidedly. "It was just a morning kiss, you know?"

Alex launched a punch right on the man's left arm. "You pervert! Who do you think I am?! Huh?!"

"You? You are the person I love with all my heart."

Alex made a sound like she is barfing. "Do you want me to throw up all day because of your disgusting and cringey words?!"

The man laughed, then turned to the drawer. He took out a dark blue tie and start putting it on.

"Where could you find a friend that kisses his own best friend?!" Alex continues to grumble while changing her position into a sitting one. She also tied her long curly hair into a ponytail.

Adrian turned around, then said, "I'm not your best friend now. So I can kiss you."

"Apparently, you really need to clean up that dirty brain of yours, get out of the gutter!" the woman said desperately, and walked in to the bathroom. She stood in front of the sink and started to wash her face with water, trying to get rid of sleepiness, because she also couldn't continue sleeping anymore. After brushing her teeth, she intended to take off her clothes, wanted to take a shower but the bathroom door suddenly opened, surprising her.

"YAAAAAAH! What if I was not wearing clothes, huh?!" she protested.

"You must be very awesome then," Adrian cheekily replied, showing a wide grin.

Alex snorted. "Pervert! I don't know why I am still friends with you."

The man chuckles. "I'm leaving. Before you left, don't forget to turn off all the lights, check the stove, and close the windows."

"I know," Alex said lazily.

"Okay. I'll go first. Bye, babe!" Adrian immediately turned around and left the bathroom with the door open.

Alex snorted loudly. "Babe?! He's really gone crazy, hasn't he?!"

She continue getting ready to take a shower when she suddenly thought of their other best friend, Amelia.

"I miss Lia. I wonder if she's already back from Japan? We really have to meet up one of these days."
