Chapter Three

"Okay, let's continue next week," Alexandra said closing her last class that afternoon.

She let all her students out of the class one by one. Every now and then, she said goodbye to her students who was on an average age of eight to ten years old. After she made sure that there were no students left in the class, she decided to leave the classroom.

She smiled shyly when several teachers in the teacher's room looked at her while whispering. Throughout the morning until this afternoon, her face almost appeared on every television station that broadcast news on artists. In fact, her father's company which is one of the three major television stations in the Philippines also broadcasted the news about the end of her relationship with the actor James Hidalgo. The artist and model is so stupid for having an affair with his personal assistant.

Annoyed, she threw herself in her cubicle. She then looked down at her phone, which hadn't stopped blinking since last night. She couldn't just turn off her phone. What if her Mom or Dad called? Or maybe Ace— her brother? This morning her father had called several times, asking about the breakdown of her relationship with the actor, and of course the problem of tweeting from her account.

She immediately pressed the green button as soon as the photo of Adrian sleeping filled her cellphone screen. "What?"

The man laughed on the other side. "Are you still at school?"

Alex glanced at her watch on her wrist. "Yes. But I'll be home soon. Why?"

"What about your resignation?" the man continued to ask on the other line.

"It's been accepted. The principal said that the day after tomorrow I may leave, because he has also got several candidates for my replacement," she explained.

She had already decided to quit four months ago, but this is the first time she's actually done it. She had worked as a teacher at the elementary school for a year, and since five months ago, right after her relationship with James began to be exposed to the media, she started to feel uncomfortable. Some of the teachers there didn't seem to like her especially the fact that she was in a relationship with a star.

After all, who doesn't know the ever famous James Hidalgo? A famous singer and also a top model. Even though he was only twenty six years old.

"Okay, I have to drive," said Adrian. "See you later!" and then the line went off.

Alex put her cell phone in her shoulder bag and walked out of the teacher's faculty room with her head held high. Soon, she would not meet those annoying people.

She really couldn't keep her mouth shut every time she saw the number of reporters in front of her fence. How can she even get in when the reporters were huddled in front of the fence? She heard her phone ring once again. This time, it is a call from her mom.

"Yes, mom?"

"Where are you? The reporters have been gathered in front of the fence since this morning," said Mrs. Sullivan. "Looks like they won't be leaving until they meet you."

"Okay," she sighed.

After calming herself down, she stepped on the gas of her car slowly and stopped right behind the crowd of reporters. In an instant, the reporters had completely surrounded her car. She opened her car door and got out, and at that moment dozens of questions hit her. They overlapped each other, until she felt her head hurt. Why are these reporters even after her? She thought frustrated.

"Miss Sullivan, is it true that your relationship with James Hidalgo has ended?"

"Is it true that James Hidalgo is having an affair?"

"What did your tweet mean this morning?"

"Is it true that James Hidalgo had an affair with his personal assistant?"

"We heard that you had a confrontation with James Hidalgo's other woman. What did you say to her?"

"You haven't spoken to James Hidalgo since last night?"

"Listen," Finally, Alex opened her voice, and the dozens of reporters immediately fell silent. The only sound was the sound of the camera flash, which kept taking pictures. "My relationship with James Hidalgo is over."

The reporter was again scrambling to ask questions.

"There were too many differences, hence, we decided to part ways," she continued.

"No extramarital affairs. And the thing with my tweet last night, it was just, well, a thought."

"So you guys broke up on good terms? Are you still friends?"

She gulped. "Of course."


"Too much difference you say?" Adrian exclaimed. "And what was your last answer? Of course? Are you finally out of your mind?! How can you be friends with that bastard??"

The interview yesterday afternoon was out this morning. The results of the interview have also spread on the internet. Likewise with celebrity gossip news. The end of her six months relationship with James Hidalgo was a bit horrendous, considering that when their relationship was first revealed, many said that they looked very compatible. If she goes out looking for a magazine, her face and James' must be on the cover of the magazine.

"Why don't you just tell them that the bastard cheated on you?" the man protested.

"Why? Do you still want to keep that jerk's image?"

Alex shook her head, and decided to turn off the television. She lay down again, and pulled the blanket up to her chest.

"Hey, I'm going to kick you out of my apartment if you don't answer!"

"I'll burn your apartment down afterwards," she muttered lazily. "Never mind. It's early, and it's the weekend. So let me rest."

"I'm dead serious, Alexandra." said Adrian. "You hid it to maintain the image of that-"

"No," she interrupted. She already changed her position to be sideways facing her best friend by supporting her head with her right hand. "As a woman, I have self-respect. I can't just tell the reporters that he is cheating with his personal assistant, right? Where do I have to hide my face then after that?! About that guy's image, do you think I really care about him?!"

Adrian nodded in understanding. "Okay. I understand, and I won't ask anymore question." he rubbed the top of the woman's head gently. "Has the jerk contacted you?"

"Every damn time," Alex answered lazily. "He even came to my house last night." she admitted.

"So that was the reason why you took refuge in my apartment again?" Adrian smirked. "I think it's because you like sleeping with me."

She snorted loudly. "You still couldn't have gotten those dirty things out of your mind?! Do I really have to pull you out of the gutter?"

The man laughed loudly. "It seems very difficult to do. And nope, I don't think I will be out of the gutter anytime soon."

"Fortunately he doesn't know where you live," Alex said instead of replying to her best friend's words. "At least you're useful."

Adrian smirked. "I've always been useful to you. In everything and in every way."

"I can smell the dirty things in your sentence," she hissed. "Never mind. Get out! I want to sleep!"

"Oh, no I won't," the man stopped when he saw the woman was about to turn around. With a quick movement, he pulled her waist so that she was sleeping opposite to him. Even their bodies are not far apart at all. "Have a good night's sleep!"

Alex snorted. "I'll seriously kill you if your hands move anywhere!"

"My hands will only stay here," answered Adrian, smiling sweetly. While patting his right hand on the woman's waist.

"Smarty pants." she patted her best friend's cheek briefly, then closed her eyes to sleep.

Adrian smirked and immediately launched a kiss right on Alex's forehead.

That made the woman open her eyes again and looked at the man sharply, she immediately grabbed the boy's hair with all her might as she said... "Die, you! You should die now!"


Alex put the potato chips in her mouth, without taking her eyes off the television screen showing her favorite drama. She didn't take her eyes off of it at all until Adrian was standing in front of her showing her phone screen flashing. She got a call from her brother. She answer it immediately.


"Where are you?" asked her brother directly. "You haven't been home since last night. It's late now, in case you forgot."

She laughed. "I'm at Adrian's apartment. Where else can I go?"

"Really? That's good then. We thought you were..." Ace breathed a sigh of relief. "At least we know you're in a safe place," he sighed again. "I know Adrian will take good care of you."

She glanced sarcastically at her best friend who was enjoying his own bag salted potato chips. Safe? She doesn't know how many times she ahs been kissed on her forehead and cheeks all day. The grabbed, hit, and even kicked the man's shin were all useless Adrian was not deterred at all. As in.

"So when are you coming home? How about your clothes?"

"I'll be home by Monday night," she said as she stole the potato chips that had almost go inside Adrian's mouth. "I have some clothes here don't worry."

Her brother snorted. "I shouldn't have forgotten, that your clothes almost fill Adrian's wardrobe. It's as if it's just your apartment. You shameless brat!"

"This is OUR apartment." she retorted, obviously emphasizing the word 'our' and chuckle. "Bye, my dear brother!"

Adrian snorted. "Our apartment? Our? I bought this apartment with my own money! So how can you say this is yours too?"

Alex ignored the man's words, and immediately rested her head on her best friend's shoulder. She had just returned to watching a few minutes when her phone vibrated again. "What is it again, Ace?" she said without looking at the caller-ID of the caller at all.


She immediately changed her seating position into a straight one. "Why are you still calling me?" she snapped.

"Look, Alex, we have to talk," said James.

"There's nothing we need to talk about anymore," she said as cold as she could.

"We do. We still have a lot to talk about."

Alex was about to open her mouth to refute when Adrian tapped her shoulder.

"What?" she mouthed quietly.

"Just accept the invitation," her best friend whispered.

She glared at him. She then put her phone away from her. "Are you insane?"

"You have to solve your problem. You haven't really solved everything."

She sighed, and brought the phone back to her ear. "Okay, but this will be the last time. When do you want to talk?"

"Tonight. Can you? I mean, are you free?"

"Alright, let's just meet at the Cafe. The one right in front of the city walk."

"Okay. I'll be there in an hour. I'm still at the photoshoot."

"Hmm," Alex said and immediately hung up the call.

"What did he say?"

"I'll be there in an hour. I'm still at the shoot." she imitated her ex-boyfriend's speech, and ended with a scene of pretending to vomit. "Do I look like I care if he's still at the shoot?"

"You don't want to take a shower before you meet him?" the man asked, grinning widely. "I think you haven't showered since this morning."

Alex glared at her best friend once again. But she still got up from her seat and walked towards the room to take a shower.

An hour later, she was sitting at the cafe she said on the call to James. She sat in a corner to avoid any suspicions. The arrival of reporters at the cafe's door was the last thing she wanted. While Adrian sat at a table not too far from her. Even though it was almost 10 pm, there were still a lot of people in the cafe. Enjoying a warm drink, because the temperature outside is dropping due to the non-stop raining.

Five minutes later, the figure she was waiting for entered the cafe with his face completely covered with a scarf and wide sunglasses.

"Have you been waiting for long?" James asked while taking off his glasses.

"Not too long ago," Alex replied nonchalantly as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.

"So what do you want to talk about?" she started, not wanting to waste any more time.

"I want to thank you for not telling the truth to the reporters. My image would be ruined if that happened, and my career would surely go under." said the actor.

She just nodded slightly.

"And about Sarah's. You were right. I did sleep with her."

She looked at the man flatly. "Yes, I know. And I don't think I can forgive you for that."

"You didn't want to ask why? Why did I sleep with my own personal assistant?"

"What for?" she asked back. "Even if you explain the reason, it won't change anything, James. And since I haven't said it directly to you, I will now say it."

The man frowned. "What do you mean?"

"We are now officially split. And I will never ever get back to you," she said firmly.

"No, we can't just break up."

"Why not?"

"I still love you, Lex. I really do."

Alex glared at the shameless man in front of her in disbelief. "You can still say that after you've slept with your personal assistant? Amazing. You really are amazing!"

"I know I was wrong. I'm sorry. I beg you, forgive me. And we can start all over again. Just please give me another chance?"

She smiled briefly. "Well, I'm sorry too. We can't start over from the beginning. I can't forgive cheating. I don't tolerate it. Whatever the reason was. So let's move on with our lives." she then got up from her seat, she almost passed their table if only the man didn't hold her on her wrist.

"We're not done talking yet, Lex!" James snapped loud enough to attract several people to turned towards them.

She tried to pull her hand away. "Yaaah! I've had enough of seeing my own face appear on every television channel for you. And I'm definitely going to throw up if my face is still showing up there tomorrow. So let go of my hand now!"

"We'll get this over with. Please! Let's fix this. Let me fix this." the man begged.

"James, I can make your ad not appear on my dad's television station, if you don't let go of my hand right now," she tried to threaten the man.

And as expected, James quickly let go of her wrist as if he got burned from holding it. Alex took it as a chance to walked out of the cafe followed by everyone's gaze. She could feel that Adrian was following her behind even though she didn't turn around at all. She crossed the street quickly, and almost ran into the elevator, afraid that her ex-boyfriend would follow her. But luckily no. She breathed a sigh of relief when only she and Adrian were in the elevator.

"That man is stupid for his own good, isn't he?" her best friend chuckled. "How could you make the ad not appear on your dad's television station?"

She laughed softly. "I only realized it now, yeah, he is really that stupid. Who am I to keep his ad from showing? Dad won't just follow my silly words."

"I don't think he will contact you again," Adrian said while ruffling her hair.

She nodded in agreement. "Of course. He better not."

"Once we get to the apartment, how about we order some pizza?"

"Great idea!" Alex immediately rushed to hug the man because of that.

And that gave Adrian another opportunity to stole a kiss on her cheek when she was still hugging him. "It's a reflex," the man answered as he try showing his innocent face.

"Tch!" Alex snorted, annoyed by the fact that Adrian managed to kissed her once again.
