Chapter Five

Alex enjoys the salon employee massage on her head. It felt like she wanted to sleep right then and there, just like her mother was doing right now. But some of the salon visitors who were in the room stared at her openly. Because even though it's been a week since the horrendous news of her and James, which caused her face to appear on television for four whole days before being replaced by another artist who was caught red-handed at a hotel in the early hours of the morning, the public still seems wanted to have a piece of her private life.

She refused to close her eyes and just stay still when her phone rang. She politely asked the employee named Yumi for help to get her cellphone which was on the table in front of her

She then swiped the green button on her phone's screen, before saying lazily, "What's wrong?"

Adrian on the other side of the line chuckled. "Gosh! It's already noon, why is your voice still like someone who was just woken up in the morning, huh?"

"Did you just call just to make fun of me?" Alex pouted. "Have you finished your office work? Don't you have anything to do?"

"I'm resting right now," said Adrian. "My eyes are tired from reading reports continuously since this morning. So I'm looking for some entertainment."

"Tch, you are a crazy President!" she cursed. "And what did you say? You are looking for some entertainment? What do you think I am? Am I a television? The one showing entertainment?"

"You don't know, do you? Talking to you is both entertaining and encouraging at the same time for me."

Alex snorted loudly. "Stop pulling my leg! I want to throw up right now, you know that?" she grumbled.

Her best friend chuckled. "Okay. I'll stop now. But where are you?"

"I'm at the salon," she answered briefly.

"As expected," said the man. "Indeed where can you be again after being unemployed."

She immediately straightened her body because of what she heard until Yumi, who was still massaging her head jumped in surprise. "Yaaaaah! I will kill you as soon as you appear in front of me, understand?! I will make sure that you will die in my hands!"

Her mother, Helena Sullivan, was no less surprised by the cry of her only daughter.

"Gosh, Alexandra! You shocked me! And please tone down you words and voice."

She looked at her mom then smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, mom. Someone who called me is tired of living it seems," she said.

Mrs. Sullivan just shook her head and closed her eyes again.

Seeing her mom goes back into her original position, Alex also lay back down, and let Yumi returned to her work. "Stop pissing me off, Adrian Callum Herrera!"

"Are you staying at the apartment tonight?"

She snorted. "After you made fun of me, do you think I'd still want to see you and sleep there?!"

The man let out a hearty laughed. "If I were you, I'd definitely sleep there. Because otherwise I'd throw all your clothes out of the closet. I might burn it or maybe donate them to the less fortunate ones?"

"What kind of threat is that?" she murmured as uninterested as she can. "It's very weightless."

"Hmmm... I think I want to order some ramen, fries, and Pizza. Also, I think I will stopped briefly at the supermarket to buy powdered chocolate milk drink."

Alex couldn't help but laughed loudly. "Then I'll stay there," she said as she hung up the phone unilaterally.

She closed her eyes, imagining how good it would be tonight. She can eat her favorite ramen, then Pizza and fries, and drink hot chocolate milk before going to bed. It really is heaven on earth. Maybe she could also watch one of the man's DVD collections until morning, because at home she wouldn't be able to do that. Mr. Sullivan—her father, would surely kill her if she watched all night.

"Are you going to stay at Adrian's place tonight?" asked her mother after they were in the car for the ride home.

Alex who was behind the wheel nodded. "Yes, I will. Why?"

Her mom glanced at her. "I am just confused about your relationship."

"We're friends. What are you trying to imply, mom?"

Mrs. Sullivan shrugged. "You don't know how many times you've been dating. Since you were in middle school, right? But you're still with Adrian. I mean, you're still close to him. You go out with your boyfriend all day, then at night you'll meet him again. You never separate that long from him."

She laughed. "We've been friends since childhood, mom. Of course we are. Besides, I am also close to Lia, and Adrian is also close to her, we are best of friends, remember?"

"But since college, you are sleeping with him even during those times that you are in a relationship-"

"Oh my gosh, mom! Mommy!" Alex reacted. "I didn't sleep with Adrian, okay. I just stayed at his place. It's two different thing. Okay? Don't think of me like that."

"That's good then. I thought you slept with him every time you stayed there. Your dad used to get into a lot of trouble with this. Who really can think logically, if a couple of humans spend the night in one place? Who can guarantee that nothing will happen?"

Alex shook her head in disbelief. Why is she now getting free sermon from her mother? "Mom, I'm still sane. I'm not going to sleep with a guy who isn't my husband. And I don't see it changing anytime soon."

Mrs. Sullivan smiled widely. "That's my daughter," she said proudly.


"You still haven't slept?"

Alex shook her head and didn't take her eyes off the television at all. She doesn't know how many films she has seen. But, she still wasn't sleepy. Because the man's DVD collection is really good, she couldn't afford to even wink. And she doesn't even think about sleeping.

"It's already 3 o'clock, you know?" the man said while he sits next to her with a glass of water in his right hand. He had been sleeping since 11 o'clock, and Alex chose to watch in the living room because she didn't want to disturb her best friend's sleep. But because of feeling thirsty, he woke up, only to find the right side of his bed empty. Then he found the woman still with a fresh face in front of the television.

"This movie is so exciting, Adrian. Shut your mouth," said Alex.

"If my television breaks or shuts down completely because you watched all night, you will have to replace it with something better than this," said Adrian.

Alex glanced briefly at the man. "I'll buy you a cinema screen, don't worry. So now, just go to sleep and don't disturb me."

Adrian put his glass on the table then got up from his seat, and walked to hold the remote control of the aircon; lowering the temperature a little. "Aren't you cold earlier?" he asked.

"A little, but I'm lazy to move there to lower down the temperature," she answered nonchalantly.

Adrian sighed in annoyance before he walk towards the room to get a blanket. When he goes back on the living room, he threw the blanket right at the woman's face. "Use that, idiot! What if you get sick?"

Alex glared at the man but still obeyed and wrapped herself with the blanket.

"I want to ask you something,"

"And I don't intend to answer any of your questions," she snapped.

Adrian pushed her head from the side gently, making the her chuckle. "I'm serious."

"Okay. What do you want to ask?" she asked while looking at the man.

"I'm really curious about this, why do you think the bastard slept with Sarah? Do you know the reason?"

Alex snorted. "Is that what you really wanted to ask?" she grumbled, annoyed that her best friend's question was completely unimportant. "Of course because I don't want to sleep with him."

Adrian glared maximally. "Did that bastard force you to sleep?"

She nodded casually. "He did, several times, though indirectly. But I always refused. You know me, right? I will always stand by the 'No sex before marriage.' And of course he's not marrying me anytime soon," she answered. "Apart from being stupid, his brain is in the deepest gutter."

"How did he insinuate you to sleep?" the man asked curiously. It felt like he wanted to beat up that artist right now.

Alex glared more sharper this time. "Why do you even have to ask that kind of question?"

The man looked straight at her. Demanding for answers.

Knowing how persistent Adrian can be, she sighed in resignation. "He always asked me to come to his apartment to watch some movies and do some cuddling, and of course, I always said I couldn't."

Adrian breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought he kissed you, then his hands started moving all over your body," he muttered under his breath.

"That's your habit, Mr. Adrian Perverted Herrera!" Alex snapped. "Your hands like to move erratically!"

"Why? I just put my hands on your neck, on your waist, or on your calves, or on—"

"Yaaah! Stop saying such disgusting things!" she spit out while beating the man's body with a sofa cushion. "You're the most perverted guy I've ever met and known!

Even James never had a chance to kiss me on the lips, you know?! I should have kicked you out of my life first!"

The man laughed loudly. It's always nice to see the woman's emotions unfiltered, not caring about his body that continues to be beaten. "Wasn't your first kiss with me too? Right?"

"Aish! Shut your mouth, you bastard!"

Adrian immediately caught her wrist, and pulled her close so that her body was right on top of him. He looked at her eyes that were glaring sharply at him, then turned to the girl's lips.

"If you kiss—"

The man immediately covered Alex's mouth with his lips. He smiled when he found that the woman was squinting even more. A few seconds later, he let go of her lips with a wide smile. He always liked to kiss the woman. It always feel the same. The same sweet taste.

"I. HATE. YOU!" Alex exclaimed as she got up from the man's body. "You pervert! Why do you love kissing my lips? Damn it! I'll sue you for harassment!"

But Adrian just smiled sweetly at her. "It is because I love you. Don't you understand? And sure, sue me, Sullivan. Do it," he challenged because he knows that the woman can never do that to him.

And as expected, Alex just laughed blandly and said, "Ha ha ha. Very funny, Herrera."


Flashbacks ten years ago...

Alex stood near the table that served a lot of food with an annoyed look. She hated being alone in a crowded place like this. Her two friends, Lia and Adrian, had disappeared since a few minutes ago. The other one joining dozens of other students on the dance floor. And the latter one left her because he wanted to go to the toilet.

Yes, she was at the event that she wanted to avoid the most in the whole world. The Prom night. She had intended not to come, because she thought that this event was only a waste of time. However, her two friends managed to pull her over after dressing her up. Now, she's stuck with an aqua-colored, sleeveless dress, plus the seven centimeters of high heels, which makes her want to be plump all the time.

"Alex, do you want to dance with me?"

She looked at the man in front of her. Surprised that Jared, the guy she just dumped three months ago, asked her to dance. "I'm sorry, Jared. But I can't."

Jared did not hide his disappointment but let her be. "Okay," he said as he walked away.

"I must look stupid for standing here alone," she grumbled, because she still hadn't seen Adrian's figure.

She backed away to the corner of the room, so that the people there wouldn't notice her presence. She was already in a bad mood now and had no intention of doing anything. She wanted to go home, but getting home by taxi or bus or subway at night was not her forte.

"Here you are, sweet but grumpy lady."

She glared at her best friend. "Where have you been, huh?! What took you so long?"

"I danced with Tiffany for a while."

"Did you left me with the excuse of wanting to go to the toilet and you ended up dancing with that girl?! Seriously?" she protested.

"Hey, I did go to the toilet. When I wanted to approach you, she suddenly blocked my way. I couldn't refuse her invitation, could I? I didn't want to embarrass her."

Alex snorted and folded her arms in front of her chest. "Whatever..."

"So do you want to dance with me?" the man then held out his right hand to her.

With a sullen face, she accepted his outstretched hand. They walked to the center of the hall, which had been transformed into a beautiful place. Joining the other students.

They move to the rhythm of the song which is a little faster. Every now and then she would stepped on her best friend's feet on purpose, making the man glare at her.

"That's a revenge you have to take because you left me alone," she said with a chuckle.

"Alright, as long as it will make you feel better." Adrian grumbled without removing his hand from her waist.

Then, the song changed to slow music, making those who danced slow down their movements as well. The lights in the hall are a little dim, making the atmosphere even more pleasant and romantic.

Alex put her hand on Adrian's neck awkwardly. She had never been this close to her best friend even though she had been friends with the boy since childhood. Their faces were so close that she feel like if Adrian moved his face a little further, their lips would touch.

She couldn't take her eyes off Adrian's pair of expressive eyes which were very dazzling. She was so hypnotized that she couldn't even take a blink. And what she realized next was the presence of the man's lips on her lips.

That's when she backed her face with a surprised expression. She looked at Adrian in disbelief. She kissed... her best friend?

"Our first kiss, eh?" the man chuckles.
