Chapter Seven

Alex stared at her cell phone that didn't stop blinking. The screen of her cellphone showed Adrian's face who was sleeping with the plane seat as his bed. At that time, they were on their way to Paris, where Lia's cousin's wedding took place. She was not dating James yet during that time.

And speaking of James, even after two months had passed since the incident, some of the actor's fans who didn't like her, still bothered her. Saying thousands of thanks for ending her relationship with their idol in various languages ​​through her twitter account. She even turned off notifications on her twitter account, so her phone didn't ring every second. Some of the fans who support their relationship with James look disappointed at the end of their relationship. Yes, there are always pros and cons.

"You don't want to pick up the phone from your lover?" said Ace. Even though his eyes were fixed on the television, he was still aware of his sister's cell phone constantly flashing.

She pouted. "Adrian is not my lover."

"Then why do you feel so comfortable staying at his place, even your clothes are there?" her brother retorted quickly. However the man didn't seem to care, all he really cared about is his only sister. "You're dating another guy, then at night you sleep with Adrian. You're not that cheap, are you, Lex?"

She glared at her brother and she quickly threw a punch at his head, until her brother who was four years older than her screamed in pain. "I don't sleep with Adrian," she said, emphasizing the word sleep. "Why is it that when a boy and girl sleep together in the same room at night, everyone thinks they are having sex?!" she protested.

"Isn't that so?" Ace shrugged. "I always sleep with Sandra every time I go to her apartment, even during the day."

Alex managed to not be able to close her mouth. She shook her head dramatically.

"Your brain is much dirtier than Adrian's. And no. I don't want to hear that disgusting word again. If you want to sleep with with your girlfriend or any girl, it's your business. But please, you don't have to tell me about it!"

Her brother chuckled. "I'm really amazed at your best friend's self-defense," he mumbled. "I'm sure Adrian is a very healthy man. But, how can he not attack you when you two sleep in the same bed? Is his faith really that strong? Or are you not flirting at all?" Ace scanned his sister's body from top to bottom, then chuckled.

"You're quite inviting, I think."

Alex squirmed forward, and immediately strangled her brother with all her might. Ace was glaring at her for being hit by such an attack, but in an instant, he managed to break free.

"Good grief!" the man rubbed his neck while looking at his sister pretending to be scared. "I understand now why he didn't attack you. You're so scary," he said.

"We're friends and Adrian can't possibly touch me, you know?!" gushed Alex.

Ace smirked. "Isn't it your first kiss with him? And vice versa, right? You're his first kiss too, right?"

She decided to leave her brother alone then went into her room with her cellphone still clutched in her hand. She could have thrown her brother out of the window of the hotel room where they were staying if she had been there any longer. She looked down at her phone which was flashing again. This time, it was a message that came in.

From : AC Herrera

Hey, you fool! Where have you been? A week without news? Really? And when I visited your house, your dad said that you were in Canada with your brother.

Ps. Pick up my calls, damn it!

She snorted loudly. "He now have the guts to cursed me? That perverted brain man—" she stopped her grunts when her cellphone screen was filled with her best friend's face again. "Damn you, perverted brain!" she blurted out as she swiped the green mark on her cellphone screen.

Adrian laughed loudly. "Ah, I finally heard your annoying voice too," he said.

"You really have a plenty of time to kill to make this international call?"

"Don't question me! Only I can ask here."

She snorted again.

"Is it true that you're in Canada?"

"Yes, I am," she answered shortly.


"Didn't you already know? I accompanied my brother here. I was his assistant temporarily because his assistant fell sick."

"Then why didn't you tell me if you wanted to go there?" Adrian demanded.

"Ah, right," she sighed. "Why do you think I didn't tell you?"

"I do not know. You tell me,"

"Okay, now I change the question. Why should I tell you about my whereabouts? Do we really have such a serious relationship? Aren't you also not honest about your whereabouts?"

"What do you mean?" the man asked not understanding what she is implying.

"Last week, eight o'clock at night. You said you were at the Cafe in front of your apartment, right?"

"Yes, it is. Then why? What about it?"

"So who do you think I saw in the Blue glow club? With a seductive girl that almost showed her entire body?" Alex asked with a sharp tone. "I'm sure my eyes are fine and I saw you that night."

There was no reply from the other side.

"Never mind. I have to sleep now. I have to go to the airport early tomorrow morning."

"Wait!" the man intercepted.

"What?" she asked lazily.

"So you're jealous?" asked by the man with his innocent pretentious voice.

She snorted loudly. "I'm jealous? You're crazy? Why should I be jealous? I don't care about you and your naked girls there. What I don't like is, you're not being honest. Got it?"

Adrian chuckled. "I just don't want you to think like that, if I say I was there, because— wait." the man stopped talking. "You saw me there? Does that mean you're there too?"

Alex rolled her eyes bored. "If I wasn't there, how do you think I would know you were there, you idiot?!"

"What were you doing there? And, ah, no wonder you didn't reply to my messages! You're also dishonest Miss Sullivan."

"I have my own business to take there, and no. I'm not lying. Then why should I tell you where I am? I'm seriously getting piss at you!" she pouted. "Come on, I'm going to bed!" she said before she unilaterally drop the call.


Alex yawned widely as she got out of the plane. Beside her, Ace is no less sleepy.

They had arrived at the airport early in the morning. Then suddenly the plane they were going to be on was delayed due to the weather.

"Though I'm sure the weather will be fine," she muttered as she very lazily dragging her suitcase. "Shall we take a taxi home?" she asked.

"I do not think so." her brother smiled.

She looked forward, and at that moment, she immediately gaped in shock. Until she stopped right on her tracks.

How could she not be? Adrian was standing a few meters in front of her, wearing a black coat and a black jeans, looking fresh even though it was only nine in the morning. The hours that people should use to laze at home considering it's Saturday today plus the air is really biting.

The man held a medium size cardboard in his left hand with the words, 'I'm sorry, Sullivan', while in his right hand he held a large blue teddy bear and in the bear's arms was a bar of chocolate. Her brother now have another 'proof' that she and Adrian are really dating. She grumbled in her heart.

Before more and more people noticed the two of them, she hastily stepped forward, almost running and immediately grabbed the cardboard with the apology written on it. "What are you doing, huh?!" she snapped.

"I am sorry." the man grinned widely.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "What did you do to apologize like this?"

"Last night, you said you were upset with me, right?"

Alex bit her lower lip hard, trying to keep her words from coming out. Finally, she just snorted loudly. "You can apologize in a more normal way," she grumbled. "I'll kill you next time, if you apologize in this way."


Alex sat on the passenger seat while Adrian put her luggage and bag into the trunk with the help of her brother. A few moments later, the two of them entered the car as well. Ace immediately leaned his body against the back of the car seat and closed his eyes. She snorted at him.

"Don't make fun of me, Lex," the man hissed. "I'm going to throw up if I still see you guys making out in front of my eyes. So I better close my eyes tight," he said without opening his eyes at all.

She glared at her brother even though it will not be seen by Ace at all. "Who's making out, huh?!"

"Of course we are, who else do you think would be?" Adrian joined in while turning his car towards the highway.

"Shut your mouth, I'm not asking you, dammit!"


Alex put the omelet pieces that she had smeared on the chili sauce into her mouth while opening her twitter account. She ignored the mention, and switched to the TimeLine. She saw that her TimeLine was full of complaints about the storm that was coming tonight. Then her eyes caught an account that retweeted a tweet from the official internet portal account. She will just ignore it if her name and her Twitter account are not tagged in the tweet.

Quickly, she pressed the link listed on the account. And as soon as the link was opened, she gave up her intention to eat some omelet again.

"What the hell—" se read the article carefully, and immediately cursed after that.

'After Breaking up with actor James Hidalgo, Alex Sullivan has a new boyfriend?'

Alex Sullivan, James Hidalgo's ex-lover and the only daughter of ENC Group was seen with a mysterious man at the airport this morning, Saturday. Sullivan, who had just returned from Canada with her brother, Ace, was picked up by this mysterious man. The man even brought a teddy bear and a cardboard containing an apology to the woman. It seems that their relationship is not good. There has been no explanation about this by Sullivan herself.

Related news:

Sullivan left Hidalgo for another guy?

Who is the guy who picked up Sullivan?

Hidalgo's kindness was rewarded with an affair from Sullivan's side?

"Am I a celebrity?!" she snapped, staring intently at her phone.

She noticed the photos that accompanied the article. The first photo was taken from the side, it shows her with a surprised expression and Adrian's face looks blurry, but it's clear that the man is holding a doll and cardboard. Then in the second photo, it seems to be taken from behind her so that the words 'I'm sorry, Sullivan' are clearly visible. Again, Adrian's face is still blurry. And in the third photo, is when her best friend draped his arm over her shoulder when the man helped her get inside the car.

She jumped a little when the phone in her hand vibrated. James' name appears there.

"Gosh! Why did he have to call me back?" she said frustrated. She let it ring, until finally her phone stopped vibrating. But then, five seconds later, her phone vibrated again. This time it was Adrian. "Hey, you bastard! Are you satisfied seeing the news about me popping up on the internet now?!"

The man laughed loudly. "You already knew, didn't you? I was just about to tell you about it."

Alex snorted. "Tch!"

"So, I'm the mysterious man now?"

"Shut your mouth, Adrian Callum Herrera!" she exclaimed. Even her voice echoed in her own room. She is currently home alone. Ace went out to meet his friends. And of course, her Mom and Dad left to go on their date, like teenagers who are still madly in love.

"How about you cover it up? With...your lips?" Adrian laughed again on the other end, and immediately turned off the phone unilaterally.

"You perverted bastard! Argh!"
