Chapter Forty Nine

Lia straightened up and winced, feeling a massive headache coming on. "I, unfortunately, do remember something like that..."

"How much do you remember? Because I can tell you from the beginning. I came home to find you on the floor, drinking all the liquor we had in the apartment-"

"I know, I know, but," she hesitated before asking, "When did I crawl into your lap?"

"About eight to ten minutes later," he answered matter-of-factly. "You used my shoulders for support to help you swing your leg over my lap."

She winced again. "I am now remembering doing something like that-"

"It wasn't stupid." Chase said firmly, "It was hot. Imagine my stupid face when you settled willingly into my lap. And also, you looped your arms around my neck. It nearly blew my mind away, but I had to keep my cool... I literally had you in my lap."

"Alright, okay, I get it-"