Chapter Fifty Six

Lia and Chase did not stop kissing.

They couldn't. They have been living in a two-bedroom apartment for a year, and with the man's constant near nudity and her mesmerizing butt, it's frankly a miracle that they hadn't done this sooner.

It started when Chase couldn't keep his hands above waist-level and slid them to her hips and lower back while they were making out on the couch. To say that she loved his assertive nature and the way he insisted on pressing her into the couch with his weight would be an understatement.

And she desperately wanted more, but since they had just started making out, she didn't know if that was what the man wanted too. For all she knew, he could have been the chivalrous kind. The make-out and cuddle type. The go-out-on-several-dates-before-sleeping-together guy.

He could have been.

But he wasn't.