Chapter Seventy Seven

"C-Chase, stop, wait... stop for a moment," Lia tapped the man's shoulder to get his attention.

Chase immediately ceased thrusting and pulled his head away from her neck. "Why? What's wrong? I don't want to stop."

"The puppy... the puppy is looking at me," she whispered, and turned Chase's chin so he would look at Ginger, too. The puppy had the same wide-eyed stare, still frozen in the same spot.

"Are you serious?" she heard the man say before he saw Ginger. "Shit, the little puppy is looking at you."

They both stared at Ginger, but the puppy would not budge or even blink.

"Oh, my gosh! We broke her, we did! Crap!" She whispered, feeling guilty.

"No, babe. We did not break her. She will be fine, relax." Chase tried to reassure her but did not sound too convinced himself.