Season Two: Chapter Thirty Six

Chelsea was beaming with the guests appearing in the apartment to celebrate her birthday. She answered the door herself whenever the doorbell rang, for Lia was busy preparing for the party. Previously, the party only consisted of her and Chelsea, Alex and Adrian, and Lucas and Roane. But this time, it's different from the addition of Chase and his friends.

But the said man hasn't arrived yet.

Her friends came first in the morning to help her out with the party.

"Uncle! Auntie!" The little girl ran towards her uncle and auntie and wrapped her little arms around them.

Lia followed and looked at the three boxes that the couple carried. 

"And they are?"

"You will see them later." Adrian grinned, wrapping his arm around his wife naturally after they placed the boxes at the presents' area. Chelsea stood at the area and awed with her mouth and eyes widened at the area was getting stocked up with presents.