Season Two: Chapter Forty Two

"Wow! She is so big!" A six-year-old girl gushes when she talks about her English teacher.

Her name is Becky. She is Alex's friend's daughter. Today she has an urgent meeting with her other client, and since their houses are in the same direction, Alex takes the little girl home with them. And they are sitting in the back seat of their car, where she sits between the girl and Sky.

Alex smiles at her. "Yeah, because there is a baby in her tummy."

"Is she pregnant? Is she? My mommy was pregnant, and then we went to the hospital and she wasn't pregnant, and now I have a little brother, and he's one, but he doesn't do anything because he's a baby."

"Yeah, she is pregnant."

"Do you know where the baies came from? I know where they came from. They come from the daddy, and they swim from the daddy, and they look like tadpoles, and they swim into the mommy's tummy and they become babies."