Season Two: Chapter Fifty Six

"Daddy!" Chelsea beamed when her dad and mom walked into their apartment. She ran after her dad and hugged her little arms around his legs.

"Hey, my angel." Chase grinned and ruffled his daughter's hair, finally getting to see his baby after a month. "Daddy is home!"

"Home?" The little girl titled her head with a confused look.

Chase smiled and kneeled down to face Chelsea. "Daddy is going to stay here forever with you and mommy."

"Really?" Chelsea widened her eyes. "No more using video calls?"

He chuckled and pulled her into his embrace. "No more. Starting today, I will be here with you and Mommy."

"Yaaay!" Chelsea squealed and returned the hug to her dad, throwing her arms around her daddy's nape.

It is so comforting that he is getting this from his family.

His home

Lia stepped further into the apartment, leaving the father and daughter in their reunion, and was greeted by her friends and Zig.