Season Two: Chapter Sixty Three

Chase reached their apartment in no time, having Lia safely secured in his embrace. He stopped at the doorsteps and gave Lia a kiss on the forehead before he opened the door, despite carrying his wife in his arms. Lia had her face buried against the crook of her husband's neck, embarrassed by the fact that she was being carried by Chase in a romantic bridal style before the eyes of their friends. She was certain that she could hear Adrian trying to babble out more embarrassing words at them, and she was absolutely certain that Chelsea was watching them as Chase carried her out. So, throughout the walk back to their apartment, she refused to reveal her ashamed face to anyone else along the road.

And Chase did not further embarrass her as they walked. He pushed the door gently and brought her into the apartment. With a slight back kick on the door, he smiled to himself, as he knew it was finally their private time alone for the night.