Night at the Inn

In their room Kaitlyn and Zell were preparing for bed. The room was cozy, just a simple window, some curtains, a rug, and a bed.

"Wow, reminds me of the time I took my wife and kids to the beach, and we stayed at a roach motel." Zell said.

"What's a roach motel?" Kaitlyn asked. "Wait, you're married and have children?!"

"Remember I'm from another world." Zell laughed. "I don't have them currently. That was a long time ago and I have a new life now."

"Oh okay." Kaitlyn said.

"Looks like there is only one bed." Zell said. "I'll put some blankets on the floor and give you the bed."

"No, no!" Kaitlyn protested. "I can sleep on the floor. You feel free to take the bed."

"No, it wouldn't be right for me to take the bed from a lady." Zell said.

Kaitlyn blushed. "You always baffle me Zell. Humans are normally so mean to our kind, but you are so nice."

"Just doesn't seem right to judge someone by how they look." Zell replied. "Now I insist you take the bed; I don't mind taking the floor."

[This will be an ever looping argument, I need to think of something.] Kaitlyn thought to herself. "If you sleep on the floor, so will I."

"What sense would that make?" Zell asked.

"Well, if you aren't comfortable, I don't want to be either." Kaitlyn said.

"But if I slept on the bed, you would still take the floor." Zell explained. "You would be uncomfortable either way."

"Fine if you sleep on the bed I will too." Kaitlyn said. "If that is the only way to get you to take the bed and end this argument. Besides, I don't think you would try anything."

Zell just sighed deeply. "Fine, hop in bed, let's get some sleep."

Morning's light entered the room and awoken Zell. He found a cat girl hugging him tightly in her sleep, purring softly. "Reminds me of my pet cat." He said softly to himself. He moved his available arm and scratched behind her cat ears. Her purring intensified. "Yep, exactly like my cat, only human like with…" He realized his little soldier was standing at attention greeting the morning. "The joys of youth." He laughed to himself. [Still, I need to free myself of this situation before she wakes up, I don't want to scare her.] He thought to himself. He pried her arms from his body and slowly slid out of the bed. There he could see his lack of undergarments were exasperating his problem. He quietly made his way out of the room and headed to the bathroom.

He waited until his problem was less visible and made his way down to the barkeep. The reptile that had been working the night before had been replaced with a new bartender, this one looked like a normal human, save for her gray skin and magenta hair. "Hello there, my name is Zell." He introduced himself.

"Oh, the human!" She said excitedly. "Allen told me about you, said Maximus was like a helpless babe against you. The name is Char, I hope you are as well mannered as they said you were."

"I do try to be civil." Zell said. "Allen, was it? Said that he would attempt to procure me some new garments. Do you know if he was successful?"

"Yes, he was actually." Char replied. "Luckily, demons are the same shape as humans, so here is a full set of traditional demon attire."

Zell walked over and picked up the clothing. "They look to be about my size." The shirt was an open vest, which was black with golden trim in ornate designs. The pants were puffy and airy, with the same coloration and pattern as the vest. A pair of undergarments were included as well. [He must have known I needed these somehow.] Zell thought to himself.

"Allen is really good at that." Char replied. "He can just look at a person and tell what size they are. His passion has always been clothing, being one of the nonhuman kingdom's best tailors."

"I thought he was just a barkeep." Zell said.

"Nope, he just does that for fun a couple nights a week." Char said. "Says watching people drink and have fun at the bar inspires him to create his art."

"Never would have guessed." Zell said. "So do you run this inn?"

"Yes." Char said. "Finest inn in all the lands if I do say so myself."

Maximus walked down from his room. "Oh, you are awake, young human." He said as he approached Zell. "I was hoping I would catch you before you departed. Tell me, how would you like me to escort you to the demon lord myself?"

"Would most likely eliminate the need for any more pointless fights." Zell said. "I see no issue; did you forsake your mission to try and recruit the beast folk? Won't your lord get offended by that transgression?"

"Honestly, he might." Maximus said. "However, you are more of a pressing issue. If I am right, after you meet with the demon lord, recruiting the beast folk would be pointless."

"Fair enough." Zell said. "Let me go get changed and get Kaitlyn and I will take you up on your offer."

Zell left and went to the bathroom to change.

"So, you think this kid is the one huh?" Char asked Maximus.

"Yeah, he is the one the demon lord has been looking for." Maximus replied. "The only threat to our plan."

"Are you going to take him to that place?" Char asked.

"Only thing I can think to do." Maximus said. "It may be our only chance to stop him."

Zell came back down with Kaitlyn following behind. "Alright, we are ready to depart."

"Breakfast!" Kaitlyn demanded.

"Okay, we are ready to depart after breakfast." Zell laughed as his stomach growled as well. "You don't mind if we eat first, do you Maximus?"

"Not at all." Maximus said. "I will eat as well. It is a fine idea that we feast before our journey."

"Alright, then I know the cat girl will want meat." Char said. "And Maximus is a regular, so I know what he wants, what do humans eat? Was it grass or rocks? I know it was dirt, right? Regardless, what do you eat human?"

"Meat is fine." Zell laughed. "I can say I have never known a human to eat grass, dirt, or rocks."

"Learn something new every day." Char said as she lit the stove.

She cooked a delicious meal for the trio, and they left the inn.

"Alright you two, I know a shortcut." Maximus said. "Being one of the demon lord's top generals, I have access to this type of information. You are both lucky that I am sharing this knowledge with you! Now come, follow me."