Truth of Dragons

"A party?" Obsi asked. "I thought you had a quest. Is this really the best time to be talking about a party?"

"An adventuring party." Kaitlyn said.

"She knows lass." Kilgon said. "She is only messing with us."

"Can you try to be serious?" Zell asked.

"An honest mistake." Obsi said. "It's not like I have studied the words of mortals. In the world of dragons, a group united under a single banner is called a clan. The word party is only used as a term of celebration."

"I apologize then." Zell said. "I should not have jumped to conclusions."

"You can make it up to me with sexy times later." Obsi said. "I would love to see how a man of your power uses his most trusted weapon."

"I am going to have to pass on that." Zell said.

"Playing hard to get?" Obsi asked. "That is fine. I will have my sexy times; you will crack one day. If there is one thing, we dragons have plenty of, it is time."