We should just go Together

It did not take long for the meals to come out. The sweet taste of crab brought Zell back to his past life. Whenever there was a special occasion, his wife would always treat him to a nice garlic butter crab. "This is so good." Zell said as he chowed down on the crab.

"It really is!" Samantha said, matching his excitement. "So, Mr. Neuval, do nonhuman girls bother you at all?"

"No, I see no problem with them." Zell said. "Also feel free to call me Zell. I am here on behalf of myself, not the kingdom I am from. There is no need to be so formal with me.

"Right of course." Samantha said. "Well Zell, it is nice that nonhuman girls do not bother you, it is very progressive of you."

"Not really." Zell said. "People are just people. Doesn't matter their race or creed, everyone deserves a chance."

"And are you attracted to nonhuman women as well?" Samantha asked.