Everyone Gathered

Zell walked with Kaitlyn to where Obsi should be. They came across the beef vender and found him weeping in front of his shop.

"What's wrong?" Zell asked the shopkeeper.

"She ate everything." The man said.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Kaitlyn asked. "The kingdom is paying the tab so selling all of your products should make you happy not sad."

"It's not that." The man said. "I am happy to have made the sale, I was just supposed to cook a meal for my wife and I anniversary tonight. She is going to think I forgot."

"Tell her what happened, and I am sure she will understand." Zell said. "Communication is the most important thing in a marriage. Aside from that I would pick up some flowers to show you remembered."

"That makes sense." The man replied. "Thank you, young man. You are wise beyond your years."

"Where is the dragon by the way?" Zell said. "We are looking for her."

"She rests over there under that tree, next to the fountain." The man pointed.