Truth about Magic

"Human, tell us, do you know how magic works?" Xalador asked. "It is not a thing that is greatly understood by the mortal races. We dragons being of the divine have mastered it."

"Very little." Zell replied. "I know there are wizards and mages, but as for me I have no idea how they cast spells, or anything like that."

"So, nothing." Xalador said.

"We need to teach you the nature of magic." Sunea replied. "For it is within that lesson that you will gain the strength to manage the immortality we offer."

"Take him to the font of magic and teach him Ocana." Excalibur said. "Obsianna, you stay here and speak with us for a bit. We have much to ask you."

"Hold on." Zell said. "I promised I would not leave her alone. That I would protect her against anything."

"You would risk gaining ultimate knowledge and immortality for a dragon you barely know?" Sunea said.