Jungle of Balance

"Well then hero, I shall give you a quest." Luo said. "This will allow both of us to come out of this feeling as if we have won. Travel to the southernmost island in our cluster and you will find my wayward sister. She has lost her balance and maintains a solitary life while she meditates. Go to her and ask for her aid. If she aids or not will be her decision, but I believe if she chooses to help you, you may both find balance."

"Fine, but if she refuses, I am coming back here and taking you with me." Zell said.

"If she refuses, I will willingly go with you." Luo said. "I think she will find you intriguing and wish to help you."

Zell did not say anything further and just turned around and walked out of the room. As he got back to the street, he channeled his flight magic and took off into the sky.

"Are you sure that was wise my lord?" A servant asked Luo.