
"I guess we will head back to the isle of dragons for now." Zell said. "But I have questions before we do any rituals."

"That sounds reasonable." Qamra said.

"Go get some clothes on and we will leave." Zell said.

"Right, forgot about that." She said, laughing as she left.

Zell waited as Qamra went into her home and got dressed. After a few minutes she exited her home in her toga with a bag.

"All good now." She said smiling. "I have all of my belongings with me so there is no need to ever come back." She looked around the jungle clearing where she had spent the last few years of her life and sighed. "I don't know if I will miss this place but it has been home and I have feelings about it either way."

"I can understand." Zell said. "I left similarly when I left my kingdom on my grand adventure. Now that seems so distant, like a fading memory."