What happened in Tarm?!

Zell told Donovan of his travels and adventures since they last met. Of his time among the gods and with the dragons. His current quest of saving the world and everything else he could think of. The two talked until the sun set and darkness filled the island.

"Looks like we have talked so much we lost track of time." Zell said. "We should head back to the house of black and rest up for the night." Zell looked around; he did not see Qamra anywhere. He had lost track of her as he was talking to Donovan. "Qamra?" He shouted hoping she was near-by.

"Your friend went over behind that building and fell asleep." Donovan said. "I think we bored her with our chatter."

Zell walked over to where Donovan said Qamra was and found her curled into a ball on the ground sleeping soundly. He walked over and squatted down next to her. He placed his hand on her shoulder and gently shook her. "Wake up." He said to her.