Pirates Part 9

"Kilgon old friend, it has been too long." Zell said to his dwarven companion. "I am afraid I need your assistance, is that offer to aid me still good?"

"Aye, what you need lad?" Kilgon asked.

"Well, I am facing some space pirates in a contest." Zell explained. "Problem is, it is a battle of champions, and I am in need of one. You are the first person I thought of."

Kilgon smiled and laughed with joy. "Damn right I was the first one you thought of!" He said laughing. "Of course, whose head you need smashed! Afterwards you can explain to me what a space pirate is."

"I knew I could count on you." Zell said with a smile.

"Excuse me!" One of the admirals yelled out. "You mean to use this tiny person as your champion?! Do you not value his life in the slightest?! He isn't even a tenth of the size of our champion, but if this is the hand you wish to play then we will take our easy victory."