What if...

Zell and his mother went back into the palace, having enthused the masses with the news of Zell's return.

"Everyone is just so happy to have their rightful king now." Elenore said gleefully. "Now I can relax and leave it all to you. Obsi dear, future daughter of mine, let us depart and begin the planning of your wedding! It shall be the grandest event in all of Neuval's history.

Obsi gave Zell a kiss on the cheek and followed Elenore out of the room happily, leaving Zell and Yarg alone in the throne room. As Uma had vanished with the door, most likely moved to a safer location while she decodes the lock.

"So, we have two years grandpa?" Yarg asked. "After all this time of us being apart, I am glad we will finally get some time to be together."

"Yeah, it will." Zell replied. "Listen, it doesn't bother you that I am remarrying, does it?"