Chapter 6 Training for Assassination

Sitting on the roof of Ohme headquarters.

Next to me are my teammates.

Catherine, and Eric.

We all wear hooded cloaks to cover our faces.

"Are we going to discuss a plan?"

Catherine asks.

"Cerith is dangerous with any weapon, but he is more proficient in unarmed combat."

Eric said.

"So do we have to weaken him somehow?"

I asked.

"We outnumber him, we can be overwhelmed by him attacking simultaneously."

Eric said.

"We tried that the last few times Eric."


"I know we are stronger than last time, Catherine, we can do this."

Eric said.

The door to my left opens.

Walking towards us, our Master Cerith.

Cerith is a tall old man with a white beard, a buzz cut and he's very fit.

"Hello it's been quite, a while hasn't it? Show me what you learned, you three."

Cerith says, addressing my team consisting of me, Eric and Catherine.

We all take off our hooded cloaks.

Catherine has long red hair with green eyes.

While me and Eric are almost identical, buzz cut with blue eyes.

The majority of men in Ohme have buzz cuts.

It's a part of our dress code.

While the normal uniform of any other Ohme is a blue long sleeve shirt with armor plating.

While wearing black pants and boots.

That is the Ohme uniform.

We wear light armor so we can move quickly and quietly.

"Faron, I hope you have been training. You were holding back the team last time."

Cerith says, pointing to me.

"I have been training to be a Master."

I said.

"Master, aren't you ready to see what we are made of? Instead of picking us out one by one trying to divide us. It's not going to work, Cerith."

Eric said, getting anxious to prove himself.

"Indeed, enough greetings I have business to attend to."

Cerith said, stretching as electricity flows around his entire body.

"Shall we?"

Cerith asked, getting in his stance.

"Cerith is one of the four captains of Ohme, don't hold back!"

Eric said.

Catherine sprints at him from his left while Eric sprints towards his right.

I sprinted directly to Cerith.

Cerith smirks.

Eric throws his daggers, imbuing them with lighting.

Cerith catches them easily.

"Not bad Eric, you're improving."

Cerith said.

Cerith threw the daggers at Catherine.

She deflects them with her staff.

Sprinting at Cerith, me and Catherine attack in tandem.

She swings her staff, towards Cerith's face.

He deflects it, she steps back.

Thrusting my sword, he steps to the side.

He kicks Catherine in the chest, pushing her back.

"That was an impressive tactic."

Cerith said.

Leaping in the air, I slashed at Cerith.

He swiftly dodges by stepping to the side once more.

"But it's predictable you've gotten better but not good enough for me."

Cerith said.

Jabbing me in the gut.

He swings his leg hitting my side.

Cerith smacks me to the ground.

Falling out of the air, I reached out for my sword.

I felt Cerith's knuckles against my cheek, nearly knocking one of my teeth out.

Cerith then lifts his leg as his foot slams against my side.


"Stay down Faron."

Catherine sprints at Cerith, swinging her staff.

He dodges her swings.

Cerith steps back.

Catherine follows up, dashing in light speed.

Imbuing lighting in her legs, to dash like Vorkhan.

Move faster than the speed of light.

Cerith lifts his leg, Catherine is stopped at the end of it.

She gasps for air.

"Impressive, but you aren't ready to use that technique just yet. Osuri is the only Ohme known to master it."

Cerith said, he spins his entire body.

Kicking Catherine in the face.

She falls before struggling to get up.

"It's time for you to stay down as well Catherine."

Cerith catches multiple daggers between his fingers.

Cerith looks at Catherine but Eric gets his attention.

Cerith throws the daggers back at Eric.

Eric catches them and throws them back Cerith.

They continue to trade with each other as they throw and catch each other's daggers.

Cerith smirks, I hold my stomach gritting my teeth.

Standing up, I reach for my sword picking it up.

I sprint towards Cerith while Eric has his full attention.

Kicking him behind his knee he stumbles and falls on it.

He turns towards me jabbing.

Blocking in time.

The force pushes me back.

A dagger flies past Cerith's cheek.


Cerith wipes the blood off his face.

Cerith stands up, then sprints towards Eric.

Eric then pulls out his final two daggers.

Eric blocks Cerith's imbued magic jabs with his dagger.

Certih overwhelms Eric, punching him with an imbued attack.


Cerith grabs Eric's forearm, shocking him.


Eric screams in agony as he is being shocked.

Eric staggers, before falling too his knees.

"Sorry about that."

Cerith said.

Catherine stands up.

Cerith sprints towards me.

Catherine's staff reveals the hidden blade on her staff.

As it pops out at the end of it, turning it into a scythe.

"Faron, I need more time, distract Cerith."

I nodded.

Catherine begins to gather energy by charging her scythe.

Picking up a dagger I threw it at Cerith.

Cerith deflects it.

He attempts to tackle me.

Jumping to the side, I lift my leg kicking Cerith in the face.

"That was a good kick but this is going to hurt."

Cerith said.

He releases his grip on my leg.

Dodging a dagger that was nearly lunged into his head.

Eric sits on his knees with his hand extended.

Eric struggles to stand up.

"Faron, hold him now!"

Catherine shouts.

Dropping my sword, I jump onto Cerith's back.

Wrapping my arms around his neck.

I put him into a headlock.

Cerith struggles grabbing my forearm.

"Sorry sir, this may hurt."

Catherine said.

"No it won't."

Cerith said.

Catherine slashes her scythe.

Sending a wave of pure electricity towards me and Cerith.

The attack is in the shape of her scythe.

Releasing Cerith from submission at the last second.

Using Cerith's shoulder, I jump as far away from the attack as possible.

The wave of energy was too fast.

Creating a bright light, the shockwave sends me flying.

The shockwave sounded like a giant explosion.

I caught myself.

"Is he dead?"

Eric asks.

"Catherine hit him, I swear."

I said, barely standing up.

The dust clears Cerith, who stands up wiping his shoulders.

He drops the dagger he used to block the wave of electricity.

The magic he imbued with the dagger fades away.

"Impressive, that would've done some damage to me if you hadn't let go of Faron."

Cerith says, clapping.

"That ends the training for today. You all win for today just for today."

Cerith said.

We all gather our equipment and prepare to leave.

Catherine and I help Eric stand.

"The three of you have come so far but there is still so much to learn. Be aware of those rogues they know, more about you than you know them. I wish you good luck."

Cerith says, dismissing us.

"Thank you Master."

The three of us said at the same time.

"Tomorrow is the day."

I said.