Chapter 43 The Rain Is Bloody

Sprinting on the street, I manage to catch a whiff of blood.

Turning the corner down the street, I spot Nathan.

His body slowly shifts back to normal.

His pants are ripped while the rest of his clothes are ripped clothes.

Scattered across the street.

Running past, Nathan I struck the final blow.

While he faces Cerith.

I slash at his throat.

Cerith grins at the sight of me.

I retreat behind Nathan near the hole of the wall.

Examining the area.


I said.

He turns back to surprise me surprised.

"Oh it's you."

Nathan said.

"Yeah it's me, where the hell did Eric go?"

I asked.

"I don't know if he survived the crash, but he shouldn't be too far from here."

Nathan said.

"I'll see if I can find Eric."

I said, turning around the corner.

"Faron, don't kill Eric."

Nathan said, he stands up.

"Don't worry I won't kill him."

I said walking out of the hole in the wall.

Nathan quickly grabs my shoulder.

"Good, because I want you to know something about Faron."

Nathan said, I smack his hand from my shoulder.

"I'm going to kill Eric then I'm going to kill you. You and your people have kept my family killed for my actions. The Ohme have killed all of Raul, and maybe just my family. If that is the case, Faron. You and Eric are dead, so is Catherine."

Nathan said, he frowned.

"The feelings mutual Nathan, I can accept my fate. But if you even lay a finger on Catherine, I'll put you down."

I said.

I hear a big explosion, further along the street.

Dashing out, I see the truck Nathan mentioned.

Reaching the truck, I examine the area.

Blood on the floor

The corpses of the guards lay around the truck.

A trial of blood leads inside the building.

Walking into the building I find the other corpse.

Someone clicks their tongue.

"Now, now, don't tell Thorne Cerith. I had to recharge or I would've died, did you deal with Nathan yet?"

Eric said, lurking the shadows.

A device pops drops onto the floor covered in blood.

"This thing ran out of juice but it did the job."

I hear his footsteps, he's pacing around the building.

Eric said.


I called out to him, his footsteps stopped.

Darkness fills this room.

I can only hear his heartbeat, it's fast, really fast.

"Eric, I'm here to help you. Your heart rate is moving too fast, that's not a good sign."

Eric chuckles as he goes back to pacing.

"Faron it's been a while after that incident with Catherine I thought you hated my guts. But here we are, now you are attempting to get on my good side?"

Eric asked.

"No, I just don't want to hurt you."

I said.

"Hahahaha! Hurt me?"

Eric dashes forward, lighting up the room.

Revealing himself, he is covered in blood.

His outfit shredded, while blue energy emitted from inside.

Everything slows down, but he's faster than me.

He punches me, blasting me into the metal truck.

My body slams against it.


Grunting, I stand up.

"You don't want to hurt me? You said do you know who I am, Faron? I'm the best Jin in Ciphia. I'll prove that right here, right now."

"What the hell happened to you?"

I asked.

"A power boost, something you won't be able to comprehend in a matter of minutes."

I draw my sword, getting in my stance.

Eric's skin glows.

"I'll show you what true power is Faron."

Eric gathers a lot of energy in a matter of seconds.

Conjuring energy daggers, electricity pulsates through them.

At least ten or fifteen daggers.

"This may be the last thing you will see of Faron."

Eric said grinning.

The daggers would fly towards me at light speed.

I swiftly dodge one, but another pierces my chest.

Before I can harden my skin.


"There's more where that came from Faron!"

Eric shouts he conjures even more daggers made from pure energy.

Turning around, I rip off the metal door on the truck.

Crouching down, to defend myself from the incoming daggers.

The daggers disappear as they hit the metal door.

"Enough, it's time to get serious."

Eric said, conjuring a long spear.

He hurls it towards me.

I stand up, avoiding the attack.

Throwing the door at Eric.

He deflects the door.

I dash before Eric could react.

Gripping my sword, I slash at Eric.

Cutting through his chest.


Thrusting my sword inside his chest.

Eric grunts, his skin stops glowing.

Blood drips down his chest.

"This isn't over.."

Eric said, his skin pulsates, emitting energy.

Eric grabs my hands, shocking me.


I punched him in the face.

With enough force.

Eric is sent flying back into the building.

He catches himself in mid air.

Eric floats in the air holding his hands.

His skin glows even a brighter blue than before.

"How is this even possible, Eric?"

I asked.

"Thorne has taught me how to extract life force. Turning it into energy and manifesting power from it."

Eric said.

"You think you can become better than her?"

I asked.

"Yes I can, Faron once I accomplish my goals, my main focus will be surpassing her. But you and your new friends keep getting in my way. I'll make sure to bring them down along with you."

Eric said.

Wiping the blood off my sword with my hooded cloak.

"Come on then let's get this over with."

I said, getting in my stance.

Eric gathers even more energy from the corpses.

The corpses disintegrate around me as he drains.

The remaining life force, from them.

Reducing them to ashes.

"I thought I was the only one who could do that?"

Nathan asked, approaching.

"Seriously this is our fight between me and him."

I said.

"That's too bad I've always wanted to take a shot at this kid anyway. Ever since the day we met."

Nathan said.

"Two on one that's fine with me, it's a rematch."

Eric said.

Nathan's muscle's bulge and his one yellow eye glows.

"Let's make this quick!"

Nathan roars.