The Guixi Pill!

At this point, the other disciples of the Lingyun Sect finally understood all of Jiang Yiming's plan.

They had all looked distraught just a minute ago.

But in the next moment, everyone was already cheering!

"Wow! Master! Since you've already thought of a way, why did you only say it now?!" Gu Lingfei said excitedly, "I was so worried just now!"

"For such a thing, the fewer the people who know about it the better, no? As my eldest disciple, why haven't you learned any of my cleverness?!"

With this battle, the Shangguan Family's base had been destroyed.

Only three were left of their five Incarnation Realm experts

In contrast, not only had Jiang Yiming saved all his disciples, but he had also saved Shangguan Qingyun's sister!

"What's your name? Don't be afraid! Your big brother is a member of the Lingyun Sect! Hmm? Do you not believe in the Lingyun Sect?" Gu Lingfei remembered the timid girl that he had brought back with him.