The Pill Recipes Given By the Dong Family!

Jiang Yiming was thinking about it when he received a message from Gu Lingfei and Dong Mi using the Thousand Miles Same Wind, "Master! Guess where the Fenghuo Auction will be held this time! Hehe! It'll be held in the Canglan Region! Master, this time, we have to let the people of the Canglan Region know how powerful we are once more!"

Gu Lingfei's tone was quite relaxed in the message.

When Jiang Yiming had heard the name Canglan Region, his heart had tightened.

After all, his disciples, Huang Zhaoyu and Yan Shangqing, had just been abducted to that chaotic place not long ago.

They had only returned to the sect after experiencing a great battle.

But on second thought, the Shangguan Family had already been defeated by him and their vitality had been greatly damaged to the point that they should be wary of Jiang Yiming and the Lingyun Sect.