Chapter 78: Inviting My Enemies to Perish Together (Third Update) _1

Jeffery Cooper stepped into the boundaries of Burning Hillock and proudly walked towards the woods.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Dense crossbow arrows flew out, but at a position half a foot ahead of the Golden Wheel, they were frozen by an invisible force and could not move forward.

Then another ball of spiritual light burst out, exploding in front of the Golden Wheel. The terrifying power was wrapped up by a golden light emerging from the wheel, forcibly suppressed!

However, Jeffery Cooper also struggled, his face turning red.

After suppressing the Spiritual Pomegranate Sniper, he waved his left hand, and the Golden Wheel began to spin. Golden lights flew into the woods one after another.

Boom, boom, boom...

Consecutive explosions, the woods suddenly became a mess, massive ancient trees collapsed, and a figure shot out from the woods and fled deep into Burning Hillock.