Chapter 291: Spiritual Treasure Embryo (Three in One) _4

Owen Bertram poked it, and it was very elastic, seemingly having a certain degree of paralysis. He studied it with great interest. As he did this, Emma Scott glared at him helplessly from within the substance.

Owen Bertram nodded, "This is rare, worth a serious study. This kind of material is priceless to us Artificers!"

"It can trap someone in the Third Great Boundary, even tier-3 Magical Artifacts can't break through. Amazing, truly amazing! The Demon Plant that produced this material is truly incredible."

Then he looked at Emma Scott earnestly, "Do you want to get out?"

If Emma Scott could speak now, she would definitely teach Owen Bertram a lesson about the "lion's roar". She wanted to get out, but she needed Owen Bertram's help. So, she could only swallow her anger and nodded with great effort.