Chapter 408: Scheming Maid Reports Evil Deeds_1

In a short while, the Heart-Attack Sword returned with four other swords and followed Owen Bertram. Owen Bertram clasped his fists and bid farewell to the Black Swordswoman: "Thank you for your great support, I shall take my leave now. There are still some matters waiting for me at Sharon Mansion."

The Black Swordswoman waved her hand lightly: "You may go."

Owen Bertram had already turned around, but paused and looked back to ask: "We've known each other for a long time, but I still don't know your name..."

The Black Swordswoman looked at him, and two cold-glowing characters emerged from her eyebrows, just like the font engraved on a sword: Phil.

Owen Bertram smiled slightly, said "Nice name", and then strode out of the Eden Cave, without even looking at the people of Merton Academy hidden in the woods nearby. He soared into the sky and went straight to Sharon Mansion.