Germinal Organization's Early Attack

The first floor of the Poison Miasma Cave was filled with level one Sixth Realm demon beasts. Lin Xuan could casually injure these demon beasts with his ice spear technique.

Moreover, these demon beasts that lived in the Miasma Poison Cave generally had very low frost resistance. He also discovered that some demon beasts even had negative frost resistance.

Lin Xuan guessed that it might be because of the low temperature, causing the poison to be less active.

After knowing this, Lin Xuan strode forward without delay.

Every time, he would try his best to choose demon beasts with high attributes and powerful survival skills to act as training avatars. This was because after his training avatar died, he had to come to the mystic realm again to choose a new one.

It was naturally the same for him this time. He could not casually pick one.

The big-nosed old man followed behind and was slightly surprised.