My Synthesis Platform Can Synthesize a profession scroll!

Lin Xuan immediately took out the profession scroll from his consciousness space.

Name: Gunner

Grade: Uncommon Green

Profession Skill: High Grade Weapon Proficiency

Profession Skill Effect: Damage caused by high-caliber weapons+15%.

Lin Xuan shook his head. This was only an uncommon green profession scroll. Moreover it was a "gunner" profession scroll. It was very unsuitable for him and he directly gave up.

He continued to observe the gains of the other four training avatars.

Among the other four training avatars, he obtained three more profession scrolls.

Among them, two were armored warriors and mages. They were two of the four most ordinary professions Black had mentioned.

The third profession scroll was "ballista".

Name: Ballista

Grade: Uncommon Green

Profession Skill: Bomb Weapon Proficiency

Profession Skill Effect :+15% Damage caused by bomb weapons.