Let Me Tell You Something, But Don't Be Afraid

Yang Wei and the other two were stunned.

Shield Ghost and Flame Explosion were indeed very powerful, but was there a need to mobilize so many people to kill them?

The leader said indifferently, "Do you still not see how strong their potential is?"

"Shield Ghost and Flame Explosion must have advanced perfectly every time. Otherwise, it would be impossible for each of them to guard a city wall alone."

"I also suspect that they also have a lot of golden peerless equipment and skills."

The leader continued, "If such people are allowed to stay in the Construction Division, they will probably become powerful martial artists comparable to the Asura Twins in less than a year. If they grow to become Ninth Realm martial artists safely, they will probably become the new Gao Qianchi and Wan Youxi."

When he said these two names, the leader's face could not help but tremble slightly.