You Like to Summon Mystic Realm Kings, Right?

The male wolf king was very unhappy.

It was in the middle of feeling good. How could it be interrupted?

The male wolf king was about to give chase with a wolf howl.

Lin Xuan immediately took over its body and personally commanded it, forcefully suppressing its roar.

He had already guessed what Li Yi was going to do.

He could even guess which organization Li Yi was from.


His equipment and skills were too similar to those of the Indian martial artists.

Whether Li Yi had been corrupted by India or had only joined the Construction Division after growing up in India…

Either way, he was definitely related to India.

"No wonder he suddenly became very friendly when he saw that I also had the Beast Speaker skill. This guy probably thought that I was also a spy hiding in the Construction Division…" Lin Xuan was angry and amused.