Who Said You Won?

Dart had never seen such a huge fireball.

In his opinion, a Seventh Realm mage who could condense a fireball with a diameter of six meters was already considered powerful.

He did not expect this guy he had never seen before to be able to instantly condense a fireball with a diameter of nine meters!

Even though he was in midair and staring at the rapidly expanding fireball, Dart still felt a deep pressure.

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen your information before?!" Dart was shocked and furious.

Flame Explosion sneered and ignored this person's angry words. He directly threw out the Flame Explosion.

Seeing the fireball approach and feeling the high temperature in the air, Dart instinctively felt a trace of fear.

He did not know if he could block this attack.

Normally, he would definitely try his best to dodge such an attack.