Ghost Attack, Lightning Tower

Everyone stood up immediately.

Silver Fox scratched his head. "Didn't they say that there was a medium-sized beast tide yesterday? Logically speaking, there should be a medium-sized beast tide every three to five days. It's most unlikely for there to be one today."

Black said indifferently, "Recently, many strange changes have appeared on the Little Spirit Mountain. The number of beast tides has increased, so it's reasonable."

Bai Xinghe said solemnly, "Let's hurry to the nearest east wall to provide support."

Everyone nodded and immediately placed the unfinished food and water into the storage compartment. They pushed open the door and walked out of the room.

When they walked out of the room, they saw many panicked martial artists rush out of many rooms.

Some rushed out without even putting on their pants.

Some of them had red spicy oil all over their mouths and mouths.