I'm Serious About Earning Essence!

The next morning, Lin Xuan arrived at the market early in the morning. He casually found a stall and sat down, laying out a cloth.

Then, he marked the prices of the various potions refined on the medicinal table.

What was placed on the cloth was not the real potion, but the projection of the potion. The real thing was still in Lin Xuan's storage compartment.

This was also a convenience brought by the global digitization.

In this way, as long as he placed the projection of the item at the place where it was sold, he would not have to guard here at all times and could go out to train and explore.

On the other hand, the buyer could see the detailed information of the item from the item projection. If they felt that the price was suitable, they could leave a message here and the two parties would arrange a time to trade.

This was very convenient for both parties.

Lin Xuan only had a few potions.

Lightning Damage Potion.