First Mission, Hungry Ghost Village

The Secret Service Division of Kosaka City did not occupy a large area.

From the outside, it looked no different from an ordinary apartment.

If not for the address Murata had given him, Poison Blade would not have been able to find this place.

When he arrived, there were two guards at the door. They were both Third Realm martial artists.

Due to his [High-Level Perception], he could hear their conversation from afar.

"What's going on in the Sixth Realm mystic realm, Hungry Ghost Village? I heard that the hungry ghosts have been rioting without stopping."

"I'm not sure. Recently, there have been riots in many mystic realms. Didn't the burning earth demons appear in the Third Realm mystic realm, the Hirano Plains? They even deliberately burned the crops! The food production this year will probably decrease greatly."

"By the way, I heard that Lord Tianyu's daughter is missing? I haven't been able to find her for a few days."