The Activist Who Dreams to Join the Construction Division

At dusk.

Sato Qingkong and her three followers were arranged to stay in the best hotel in Kosaka City.

After dinner, this black-clothed lady stayed in the hotel and did not come out.

Aida Mei left the hotel under the excuse of going for a walk.

The lecherous traitor of the Construction Division today made her furious. She could not help but want to come out and relax.

Soon, she arrived at the river near the hotel.

The wind on the river blew gently, calming her thoughts.

Only at this moment could she slowly tear down the disguise in her heart and temporarily show her former self.

Lu Luo.

"I became her assistant, but my chances to kill her have been rare."

"I can indeed kill her with the few chances I have, but I won't be able to leave alive after killing her."