Chapter 169 the light door to the secret realm was closed

“Let’s go too.”

Poison blade waved his hand, signaling for Ping Yeyang to follow.

Ping Yeyang rushed to his side. He still felt like he was in a dream.

He somehow survived.

Blood Asura died inexplicably.

Hungry Asura also died inexplicably.

“Brother Mu, which level are you at? Did you level up again?”

“Brother Mu, what did you use to survive the storm of blood blades?”

“Brother Mu, brother Mu...”

Ping Yeyang couldn’t help but ask, his eyes full of curiosity.

Poison Blade just smiled and didn’t answer.


In the square.

The two came here and randomly found a small stall to eat.

The stall owner had [ cooking ] , which could make dishes.

While the martial artists fought, they also had to eat.

The stall owner would take advantage of this time to make some snacks, which could be considered as earning extra money.

High and mighty martial artists like Shimada long and the Shura Twins were always in the minority. The low-level martial artists all lived very hard.