Chapter 175 three undercover agents meet! Enter Asura Prison 1

Under the walls of the Miyagi City.

A round-faced girl was pacing back and forth anxiously.

The cute baby’s round face, coupled with the flush of anxiety, made people want to close the distance between them.

However, this round-faced girl, Ai Tianmei, would timidly keep a distance from those who harbored evil intentions.

If anyone still wanted to take an inch and take a mile, they would be sent flying with a vicious punch from her.

After witnessing this girl’s astonishing strength, the martial artists dispersed one after another, not daring to go forward and ask for a beating.

Lu Luo cursed in her heart.

She felt that she had never worried so much in her entire life.

Didn’t they agree to wait together under the city walls.

She had already been waiting here for three to four days. Where was that fellow, Poison Blade! Could he have died somewhere in the Wei Ming kingdom.