Chapter 175 -- gathering of three undercover agents! Entering Asura prison 3

“I understand.”

After hearing these words, Lin Xuan immediately understood.

At the same time, he was also very emotional.

It couldn’t be said that the interior of Takama-ga-hara was unbreakable, right? At the very least, it was riddled with holes!

This Shimada Long, who was ranked second on the global rank seven list, and the strongest sword and saber among the rank seven martial artists of Takama-ga-hara, actually had a grudge long ago!

“Thank you.”

Shimada Longya nodded heavily and turned to leave.

Poison Blade watched him leave and turned to return to Miyagi City.

Lu Luo was relieved when she saw that he returned unharmed.

“He didn’t make things difficult for you, did he?”

“Not only did he not make things difficult for me, he might have given us an extra helping hand out of nowhere.”Poison blade blinked.

Lu Luo was stunned. However, seeing that poison blade did not continue, she knew that this matter was sensitive, so she did not ask further.