Chapter 177, origin of the secret realm, Corpse Dragon Heart 2

Hong! Hong! Hong!

Hall immediately engaged the Type 8 expert.

Only then did Lu Luo recover from her shock. She quickly stopped the other experts, preventing them from approaching the light door.

Silver Fox ran over, wanting to open the door, but he could not find the key to cell 66.

“That key is in Yamamoto’s hands.”Xiang Qianyu shook his head.

Silver Fox scratched his head and was a little anxious.

“It’s okay. Let’s leave it at that. The light door is about to open. When our tier 9 martial artist arrives, the cell door can be broken easily.”

Xiang Qianyu waved his hand, indicating for him not to be anxious.

Old Ivan looked at the slowly rotating blood-red light door behind him.

He seemed to have heard the sound of equipment breaking.

“Could it be that the young man has something that can save his life?”