Chapter 193: The Final Trump Card of the Salvation Society

The gorgeous girl nodded and immediately joined their attack on the two commanders of the Arctic army.

With the addition of a level nine warrior, the pressure on the two of them increased greatly.

On Lin Xuan’s side, he smacked his lips.

“You look down on me, a level eight warrior?”

“You look down on my training avatar?”

Lin Xuan laughed instead.

The less the other party valued him, the more chance he had to fish in troubled waters.

On the ground not far away, there was the corpse of the Giant Sun Dragon!

That was a level nine battle mystic realm king that even the powerful level nine warriors such as Gao Qianchi, Ying, and the Pope could not kill quickly even if they surrounded and attacked him!

If he could use it as his training avatar, he might be able to completely change the situation of the battle!

However, Lin Xuan could not just walk over and resurrect it. Otherwise, his core and most secretive ability would be exposed to everyone.