Chapter 210 scaring back Adamson, seven-headed sea snake mirror 3

“If I could do it, I would have done it just now.”

Kodo smiled helplessly. “Alright, since we all survived in the end, it’s a good thing.”

The two construction department agents beside them let out a long sigh and revealed expressions of having survived a disaster.

That’s right.

They thought that they would definitely die, but they did not expect Lin Xuan’s sudden arrival to bring them to life!

“Lin Xuan, you really seem to know a lot about giant characters?”Kodo could not help but ask.

Lin Xuan smiled. “With a little fortuitous encounter, I do know quite a bit.”

“Then where should we go next?”Kodo asked subconsciously.

After asking, he could not help but laugh.

He was a level eight and level nine veteran fighter, but he actually had to ask a young man what his next plan was.

It was a bit embarrassing.

Lin Xuan took out a map from his pocket and unfolded it in front of them.